Help please?!? Skin problem...

Thanks for adding me!! I am desperate to find out what is happening to one of my 6 month old doeling. I will try to put photos on my page so you can see exactly what we are dealing with because I'm so overwhelmed with the "could be's"... Came on very suddenly except dry skin around the eyes which has been there a couple of weeks. We have one other older doe that has similar symptoms starting also. I feed pellets mixed with BOSS and small amount of sweet feed in the morning and hay (from our own pastures) and fresh water 24/7. We have 10 does and 1 wether in the pasture/ pen and 2 young bucks also on the farm.


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  • I'm not clear on what goat(s) you're talking about, but I would only treat with one drug at a time in any case, and I would use things specifically labeled for goats or cows. If an animal is in milk, I'd only use things with a published milk withdrawal.

  • Deborah, I'm using Cylence on the other goats. What would be your plan of attack. The anti fungal did help her leg lesion dry up. It was a raw red spot, I assume from her biting at it.

    Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:

    Since mites are in the skin, shaving and DE won't help. I don't recall if these goats are milking, but if you're giving ivermectin injectable, there is a crazy long milk withdrawal time of 2-3 months. Also, you shouldn't use permethrin on milkers. You mentioned Cylence in you last post, and just in general, you should not be using so many products on any goat at one time. These are all toxic chemicals and have not been tested for interactions with other chemicals, so you could wind up doing more harm than good.

    Keeping the stall clean won't necessarily keep the goats from getting mites, so don't feel like you should have been able to do something to prevent it.

  •  Julia, I don't know the chemistry but both my horse vet and goat vet told me the same thing;    

  • Since mites are in the skin, shaving and DE won't help. I don't recall if these goats are milking, but if you're giving ivermectin injectable, there is a crazy long milk withdrawal time of 2-3 months. Also, you shouldn't use permethrin on milkers. You mentioned Cylence in you last post, and just in general, you should not be using so many products on any goat at one time. These are all toxic chemicals and have not been tested for interactions with other chemicals, so you could wind up doing more harm than good.

    Keeping the stall clean won't necessarily keep the goats from getting mites, so don't feel like you should have been able to do something to prevent it.

  • That's what I don't get. I keep all the wet bedding picked up daily and completely clean the room every 3 days. After sweeping up the pellets I sprinkle lime over he dirt floor. I also sprinkled DE around the base of wall and on the wooden ledge they lay on. But I will be more liberal with the lime. Giving ivermectin shots, bought pemritherin dust and shaved.

    Rose Stuart said:

    Completely clean out their bedding area and sprinkle lime all over liberally....if its a fungus the lime will kill it and disinfect the soil.  Use DE on their bodies ; it will kill any parasites that might be on them.

  • Rose, how does crushed limestone kill fungus? It's benign. It works great to keep ammonia odor down but doesn't sanitize-- how could it? Unless you're thinking of caustic lime and you would never put that anywhere where someone (goats) could touch it and get severely burned. DE spread on the ground would kill lice though. 
    Rose Stuart said:

    Completely clean out their bedding area and sprinkle lime all over liberally....if its a fungus the lime will kill it and disinfect the soil.  Use DE on their bodies ; it will kill any parasites that might be on them.

  • Completely clean out their bedding area and sprinkle lime all over liberally....if its a fungus the lime will kill it and disinfect the soil.  Use DE on their bodies ; it will kill any parasites that might be on them.

  • He was itchy too for sure. I would try the NuStock. It works wonders but wear latex gloves or you will smell like sulphur for days. 

  • Looks kinda similar, but mine are scratching like crazy. I have bathed with sulfedene, using 3 treatment injectable ivermectin presently, plus spot treatment with Cylence. I shaved her almost all the way as well. The only thing I've lacked is dust. :(
  • I had this skin problem on my buck (pictured). I used NuStock on it and it cleared right up. Fungus I guess. Before and after picture is about one month but the skin cleared up in about 2 weeks. Hair is growing back in nicely:



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