Today my black buck, Frosty went down and he won't get up. He's was maybe a little slow yesterday but today he laid down and won't get up for anything. My husband saw him trying to walk once today when the buck peed and he sort of walked in a sitting down position. Shortly after that I found out Frosty wasn't doing too great so I went to see what was wrong. He was laying in their shelter looking miserable. Since its so cold (the temps were 50-67' last week until Saturday when the temps bottomed out. It's 0' here now.) I had brought out some Chaffehay for the bucks so theyd have a little more fuel to keep warm. Frosty ate about a handful of that. I thought maybe he was hypothermic even tho he's an adult. I told my husband that we had to warm him up so Arlen started getting a spot ready in the shed. It took me a couple minutes to find Frostys halter and get him haltered up to go to the shed. He refused to get up and when I tried to just pull him up he was all sort of limp and couldnt stand. We decided we'd have to bring the crate and the pickup to take him to the shed. As I waited there Frosty was laying there and he sort of flopped over and his legs went out straight and he went, Meeh very miserably. I yelled to Arlen to hurry as it seemed like Frosty was doing worse by the minute. We finally got him onto the pickup and we decided to bring him inside since he was so miserable. We brought him in and started warming him up. I called the woman who I bought my does from and she thought maybe it was urinary calculi or goat polio. I have a B Complex oral that I gave him but so far I cant see any improvement. I also offered hin some of their minerals (theyd been out in their pens for a week or so) and he ate that. I couldn't get a hold of the woman I bought Frosty from tho I emailed her. I gave Frosty some arnica and later also one drop of rescue remedy in case it was shock. Is there anything else I can do? Any idea what it could be? I couldn't find a vet to call in my area but I'll take him in in the morning if he's still alive. :( I don't want to loose him but I'm scared I will!!trim.64D81231-DC25-4502-8490-06E2229B71A3.MOV
Views: 434
Beverley Sieminski said:
The buck alone - my buck is on his own, next to the does pen. He has plenty of room, pasture, greets us at the fence when we pass him which is every time I go to the does. He gets pet, combed, treats and plays with the dog along the fence line. They get quite a game going - and he will torment her until she joins in running the fence line with him. He seems to do well on his own. Maybe not all would do so well and maybe it is because he gets a lot of attention and is close to the others that he is fine. He didn't do well with another buck last year, fighting all the time. I may try a wether this year and see if he likes that arrangement. Also I am retired so going back and forth to the critters all day. My favorite place to be.
I also tell people a goat alone doesn't work but in this case it has been fine.
Myra, if it were me, I'd take your does fecal to be tested and ask them to be specific about the results. (Collect fresh and refrigerate until you can take it). ALSO, I would most definitely copper bolus all your goats. I have very hard water and it stains yellow which means it has high iron which apparently binds to the copper they need. I'm routinely giving mine COWP every three months and my does all look fantastic. My newest addition is my 2 year old buck and I've had a hard time getting him back up to good condition as he arrived with mineral deficiency (dry skin, faded rough coat). He's looking much better since I have been dosing him. Also since the COWP dissolves slowly you don't have to worry about overdosing them. And also a big bonus is they have better immunity to worms if they have the copper.
Last year I had taken a young goat to be with me on a TV show, and while we were there, she pooped in the studio 4-5 times, and it was always perfect little berries. We got home and took her out of the car, and while we were standing there talking, she pooped, and it was full of tapeworms! Thank goodness she had not done that earlier!
Also, if a goat is copper deficient, they will have a hard time dealing with even a small load of parasites. Years ago I had two bucks die and took them in for a necropsy. After the gross necropsy, the pathologist told me that it was not parasites -- and they can tell if a goat has a gut full of parasites when they cut them open. However, by the end, after they had checked out everything, they came back and said it was parasites. Unfortunately they had not checked the liver for mineral levels because that is not routine. Knowing what I know now, they probably either died from copper deficiency or a low load of parasites that killed them because they were too low on copper for their immune system to be able to handle it.