Help! Accident! so sleep deprived & exhausted from something unrelated, I thought I'd put Miss Penny Lane on a leash and let the other two follow the sound of the grain shaking to the pasture from the barn this morning.


It turned into a goatie stampede resulting in all 3 breaking into my chicken coop.  I fought them out of there ASAP but my wether got at least a few good mouthfuls of chicken layer feed (the kind with lots of calcium for eggshells) and I think my buckling probably got a good gulp too. 


This before I grabbed the wether by his scurs and dragged him out of there (he's the biggest, probably 50 or 60 pounds) I feel like I probably gave him whiplash he was fighting me so hard to go eat the chicken feed.


I don't have the ammonium chloride yet.  Will they be okay!?  I will never make this mistake again! 

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  • I think then, all I'd add to that is the baking soda! It will help keep their rumens neutral, and able to process the extra protein a little easier. With them being young, diarrhea is the main thing I think you have to worry about.
  • Okay, thanks they did not get much- I mean, I was there the whole time fighting with them, but I failed for a few minutes before I was able to get them all out long enough to close the door!  It's not like they were in there for an hour unsupervised or anything...


    Hubby says he's sure it couldn't have been enough to do real harm.  The cover with holes was on the chicken feed so they were eating what the chickens spilled on their little food platform, which probably amounted to 3/4 of a cup split between each goat who scored some.


    The wether does not eat grain anyway, so there is nothing to really cut back for him.  He just eats grass hay and pasture.  But I will not give the baby his evening grain tonite I think.  He had his breakfast grain and then some chicken feed.  I am nervous of him eating this grain anyway b/c it has no AC in it and I am waiting for it to come in the mail to start supplementing him.



    Janel Rickey said:

    My goats ate duck food for almost 2 weeks straight before anyone got sick. I didn't realize it wasn't good for them until then.  They should be fine, especially if they only ate a little bit.  My babies are sharing space with out ducks until they are big enough to put to pasture.  Hope this helps... They baking soda helped.  Our little guy ate a lot then his diarrhea was gone within 2 days...


  • My goats ate duck food for almost 2 weeks straight before anyone got sick. I didn't realize it wasn't good for them until then.  They should be fine, especially if they only ate a little bit.  My babies are sharing space with out ducks until they are big enough to put to pasture.  Hope this helps... They baking soda helped.  Our little guy ate a lot then his diarrhea was gone within 2 days...


  • They might get diarrhea... but it shouldn't hurt them to the point they die or get super sick. Doesn't sound like they got enough to make them sick enough to be seriously hurt. AC I don't THINK would do anything... from what I understand, it's the proteins in the chicken food that will give diarrhea. I personally would just be sure they get a little less grain, and plenty of hay. Keep an eye on them, and maybe give them a little baking soda.
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