Hello I am a newbie, I just got a 4 week old billy on Friday. I am bottle feeding him and it is very fun! He is such a charachter. I have had a pygmy in the past but that was quite awhile ago. His personality really is coming out lol.
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Welcome, Traci. This is truly a wonderful group full of truly caring people. I am also new to not only Nigerian Dwarfs but to goats in general. There is so much information here; you will surely find it your most valuable newsgroup/mailing list ever.
Thanks, if you still have that email address and get a chance maybe you could send mine and ask them to email me at bentpennyacres@yahoo.com with info on what they have.
Well I don't know but my hubby didn't want me to get the one I have but I did, I don't know if he would be keen on me getting another one. I always see goats as companions for horses and what not. Margaret I don't know if they milk them or not or show them, but I know they had plenty of babies when I went there to get mine. I'm not sure how many they are selling. His name is Cliff Raymond and he lives in Mt Herman, LA. I was emailing him pretty much up till the last day and then called and talk to his wife.
Like everything it's a matter of opinion and experience. Some people feel only other goats will do and some feel they are fine as long as they are with a herd type animal like horses. Some think its ok for the person to be the herdmate and sometimes they just hang out with dogs or whatever. I have kept them everyway I think. I DO feel goats are BEST, and now have 14, but I also kept one, I bottle fed, for years that was very happy with her horse friend. The only big goat I have now was here with only dogs, cats and a raccoon for months before I started getting my new goats and she not only seemed happy, but I REALLY believe she liked it that way. I suspect she may have been raised singly. They should absolutely have at least one friend who can be with them all the time. For the most part they do not like being alone and I believe it causes them to get into a lot of trouble also. That means not a person who is going to leave them to go to work etc. or a dog that is going to run all over the neighborhood and leave them or worse yet take them. He may be happy with the horsey as long as they like each other. If this breeder near you has a herd of registered NDs that he milks and sells kids I would love contact info for him. Do you know if he shows goats or milks them?
Well thank you all for the welcomes! I did find my little guy locally the guy I got him from is only about 11 miles from my house. So it wasn't a very long hunt lol. I hadn't planned on getting anymore. I have two horses and a mini horse and several chickens, dogs, and cats. I was kinda planning on putting him in with the mini horse once he got bigger.
Welcome to the group!!
Traci, as I said, I am only 3 hrs. from you and if you do decide you want another one I MAY have something available a little later if you haven't found anything by then. You can look at my herd on my website if you would like to at www.bentpennyacres.com. It is true that they almost always do better in herds of 2-200.
For sure he needs a buddy. Start looking.
Oh, hey Traci, I just consulted with mapquest when I saw where you were at and you are only about 3 hours from me. COOL! So do you only have 1 goat? Do you plan to get any more? I am curious as to if you found him locally. I haven't had much luck finding them around here. But I did get me some elsewhere. I have a total of 14, 12 of which are NDs. Will have kids soon. YEA! Nice to have you on here with me. I am in Mobile, BTW. My hubby works over there at Ingalls. Welcome!