Hello from Vermont :-)

On Tuesday 12791159255?profile=RESIZE_710xwe are getting 2 Nigerian Dwarfs that should not be bred because they are smaller than normal. Which is okay by us. We just want to provide them with a forever home. 

They are 13 month old sisters and the original owners lost their house, so they surrendered them back to the breeder. They were raised as pets and have spent the past few weeks learning how to be goats again.

They know their names: Petunia is multi-colored and Mildred (Millie) is cream colored. These are older pictures but they really are only slightly larger now. 

We also have 3 rescuded dogs (they have their own issues and stories), 2 resuced cats (indoor)(they also have their own issues and stories), 13 hens, and a bearded dragon that cannot walk properly because his original owner didn't feed him any real food or provide calcium. The hens and bearded dragon are also fed meal worms we farm ourselves. We are suckers for misfit animals. 


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  • This sounds like an exciting adventure for you. I hope the girls are healthy but if you have any problems, please feel free to reach out.

    Only 'slightly larger' than these newborn photos is a bit alarming. At 13 months of age they should be at least 40#.

    They sure are cute!


    • Thank you, Tammy,

      Those photos are at 5 months or so. Their size is why they cannot be bred. She will not be breeding their parents together again.
      I also think she sold them as bottle babies so it may have been that the original owners didn't do things quite right.

      I am in constant contact with her and the vet was just out to check her entire herd. The girls are healthy. 
      Vermont has basically turned into the Pacific NW when it comes to rain the past 1.5 years. We aren't quite ready for them and they'll be here Saturday instead. 

      I am here to get answers when questions arise. 
      I'll add photos and weight when they're here.

      ~ Jenn

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