Hello from Seattle & Let Down Question

Hello!  I'm so glad I found this site, what a fabulous resource!

I'm an urban goat owner and live in SW Seattle, have 2 Nigerian Dwarf Does, one just freshened a couple weeks ago with triplet bucklings (who will be wethered at 4-6 weeks, pet home already found :) ).  

I've started separating the kids from mom this a couple of days ago and am now milking in the mornings.  I'm getting about 10oz or so, seems like mom has more to give, but isn't letting down all the way for me.  I figure this will improve as she get's used to the milking routine and is less stressed about being separated from her kids (they're in an adjacent stall and can see/touch noses).  She's generally a nervous goat, and I'm still a novice milker, though I can feel her let down more milk when she's relaxed & eating, then as her grain disappears, she'll hear her boys calling and will tense up and I can feel her hold back.  I quickly milk out about a cup or so of milk while she's eating, then flow tapers, I massage & bump, get a few more squirts, so on, until she looses patience with me.  I'm not too worried about leaving some milk behind for the boys, but would like to eventually get to where I'm emptying that udder.  Any tips on making this transition easier?

Also, can anyone share some before/after milking photos of their does udders?

Thanks so much!


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  • Thanks for the replies ladies!  Yes, I'm probably a bit over-researched at this point, LOL :)  Hit the books for 6 years anticipating getting goats, and now, finally, living the dream!!  I got 13oz this morning (after spilling a big splash when pulling the bucket out of the way of a well aimed kick :) ).  I think Tink & I are working it out just fine.  Her 3 boys are getting so rambunctious, it's such a joy to just sit and watch them and their antics.  Another bit of good news, I just had a gal respond to an advertisement for them and will be taking all 3 of them as pet wethers in a couple of months, so they'll get to live out their lives together!

  • Congratulations on your milk, and WELCOME!! Sounds like you've done your homework!

  • Sounds like you're doing a great job for a first time milker! Everyone has difficulty in the beginning, which is why I recommend milking a doe that has kids on her -- the kids will keep up the supply while you're learning. Don't sweat it. You'll improve with time. I'm afraid pictures wouldn't help you much. This varies tremendously between goats. This is why you see on some website people bragging about a goat that milks down to nothing. If a goat has a meaty udder, it can still look quite large even when she is milked out.

  • Congrats and welcome to the site! I have no insight for you LOL my first goat just freshened on Wed.  We had 2 does and 1 buck.  Just wanted to say welcome!!

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