Hello from NC

Hello Everyone,

My name is Jaci (said like Jackie) and my boyfriend and I recently got 2 ND doelings. One is 4 1/2 weeks, Lamb Chop and the other is 6 1/2 weeks, Jasmine. I thought I had done enough research before getting them, but obviously the research and learning is NEVER done. We are bottle feeding them milk replacer now (2X a day), but they did get some of the combined mother's milk (raw) when they lived at the dairy off a lambar bucket. They have recently found extreme joy in eating alfalfa hay(and rose clippings and briars), but they still don't care to eat grain. I know now that they really need a herd to learn better, but nothing I can do about that now.

We currently live in North Carolina and they will have a few acres to roam about as they grow. Right now we have them penned in our backyard because they are so tiny and we don't have any LGD's.  

I just wanted to say hello, and I'm sure I will have tons of questions.


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  • Thanks!! Just a side note about bucks and housing them... the gal I go to for buck services has a weathered male with her buck, so he's not alone, but no one can get pregnant with him. :) When my doe numbers are a little higher, I'm pretty sure I'll be considering a buck of my own.
  • We sure are planning to breed them although I'm not sure how we will go about it. We toy with the idea of having our own buck. But a whole seperate area and only one buck? Makes me hesitant, as does being brand new goat owners. So maybe someday but probably not by the time they are ready for their first breeding. This is all very exciting, they stole my hearts the very first time I held Lamb Chop in my lap. She just fell right asleep, granted now we are her personal play ground, and if you squat down she tries to get on your back. LOL.

    I have read some stories about first milkings and the like, and I'm sure our spoiled girls are going to be a trip as they get older. We got the Molly's Herbals Dewormer and they don't like it, nor do they like the Immune Support. It's been quite comical watching us try to drench these baby goats with this stuff.

    I hope to glean alot of information from you and all your experience Deborah.

    Thanks for the warm welcomes and good luck to you Rachel with your pregancies and kidding coming soon. It's already the middle of May!

  • Welcome to the group! Are you planning to breed your girls? We've had NDs for nine years and can't imagine life without them. They provide all our dairy products.
  • Welcome!! Good to have you!! I live in Oregon. I'm in the process of establishing my milking herd. I'm about to blow my brains out anxiously waiting for my first ::fingers crossed:: pregnant doe to kid in June. So far, I have two does, soon to be three, and if all goes well with the doe that better freaking be pregnant I hope is pregnant, I'll have a fourth doe by the first part of June. :)
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