Goat Diet?

My doe weighs about 65 lbs and I don't think that is the normal weight because her belly makes it look like she's pregnant, but I know she isn't. I was just wondering if there was something I can do, she doesn't get grain right now, mostly because I need to buy some, but they have regular Purina Goat Pellets from TSC right now.

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  • If your hay is of normal quality, they do not need anything but hay as a normal daily food ration. Hay and Loose minerals should be available free choice. You does are fat! :) Cut the grains, and let them have hay all day. 

  • Your does who are not lactating do not need "feed" such as goat chow. They only need grass hay and browse if it's available. Your does will lose all the extra pounds if you take them off the "candy" which is the feed they are getting. They may act like they are going to starve but they won't. They'll get used to eating just hay which is what their bodies need.

  • Yes.

  • Are they getting any hay? 

  • She has only had one litter and today she ate 6 cups of feed in 7-8 hours and that usually lasts 24 hours. She is pretty big. Do you know of any feed that has less protein % in it. I really don't want her to be this big and also my other doe is starting to get pretty big...they both look pregnant with twins (but they aren't). I don't have a buck for them to get pregnant with anyways.

    Thank You Very Much 

  • First, how old is she? If she has had a few or many litters, her stomach will bulge out on the sides making her look fat. You should look at her "condition" to tell if she is overweight or not. Here is an excellent article for that: 


    As far as her diet, Purina Goat pellets are really no different than feeding grain (16% protein) and if she is dry (not lactating) she should be on grass and browse only. A little alfalfa is okay too if they NEED it because you can't get good hay. She very well may be overweight but use the article to guide you on how to tell what her condition is. Of course always have minerals free choice and baking soda free choice and always fresh clean water. 

    If she IS lactating then of course she needs grain to get enough protein. 

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