Goat ate compst

When it rains, it pours ... My rent a buck ( rab) was moved in with my buck who lost his companion (the wether who died) and he (rab) got out and got into my compost pile for up to an hour. I gave him a baking soda drench and burped him several times my son burped him again a few hours later. His tummy was hard both times anything else I should do/be aware of??? Thanks!

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  • We mostly buy organic or grow it ourselves, so hopefully that helps too!  Thanks for the encouraging words!
  • If your compost pile is big enough to heat up, the stuff inside wouldn't be a problem, because 140-150 degrees kills most bad stuff. If your fruit and veggie scraps on the outside of the pile was contaminated with listeria or salmonella, you guys would be sick. Commercial food can also be contaminated with eColi and other nasty stuff, but if your family hasn't been sick with any of those things, then I'd say your veggie and fruit scraps are not contaminated.
  • No idea what he got into or how long he was there, but it's the same as yours plus household veggie and fruit scraps.  I was up every two hours making him stand on his back legs, rubbing his tummy and giving him baking soda.  He seems fine this morning, but I don't know if that means something can't come of it.  Someone suggested Listerosis or salmonella.  Yikes!
  • There's one I've never heard of! What's in your compost pile that would be appealing to goats? My goats totally ignore mine, but then it's just straw, goat poop, and alfalfa that fell on the straw, so they already rejected it once. I suppose the prognosis for your buck would depend upon whatever he actually ate. The only thing I can think of that might cause him a problem is if he ate moldy stuff. Any idea what he ate?
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