I have a doe and wether for sale. They were born on 7/23/13 See pictures below. Their mom is a FF and milks 16 oz per day. See pictures below the wether is the tricolored one. They have great personalities and are lots of fun. please email me if interested
You need to be a member of Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats to add comments!
Thank you Rachel,
Rachel Whetzel said:
Do you still have your goats for sale? My wife and I were looking for two goats to keep as pets. We are from Hamburg , Pa and I saw you are from the Hershey area, is that correct? If you still have them please let me know. Could you also include how much you are asking ? Thank You, Jeff and Hayley Our email is reeldreams@comcast.net
Thank you Rachel, I live in Palmyra PA, it is near Hershey PA. We do not ship our kids they are pick up only.
Rachel Whetzel said:
Here are Dede's photos!
It's really helpful for you to list where you are located, and if you will ship, etc. in your posts! It's even more helpful if what you are selling and your location are in your title. :)