First time bathing a goat

Friends, My son & I bathed our dear little doe, Cherish, to ready her for her part in a small live nativity inside our church.  She was a participant last year also, but we did not bathe her for it. This year we did as she was close companion to our buck, Frosty ;  )

We bathed her in the bathtub, gave her a blowdry and gave it some time.  I wanted to rinse her with an apple cider vinegar rinse (water / acv) but I forgot to ready it before she was in the tub.   

I was curious what some of you prefer to use for the shampoo.  


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  • You are fortunate to have such a good goatie! Especially when it comes to noise. Some of them can be real noisy,very often and I think it is more likely that if they are very noisy there kids will be too! Lucky you. 

    I recall at least one long discussion about the shampooing earlier this year but not sure how you might locate it so you might want to look about for it though.

  • Cherish was better than many a dog and child ;  )    She took it extremely well, but gave me 'that look'  --- her chin up high- head tilted back at me -  "I'm really not liking this!"   Such a good girl.  

    She went right into the church with all the people and lighting, walked right on across the 'stage'  and as she neared the 'stable' and live nativity of newborn baby & parents...she reached for the hay.  My son held her back from grabbing any and she swung her head to the side to take a nibble on the 'sound' cord.    Edibles on her mind, yep, always.

    Cheriesh did "scream" just right at the time she delivered her kids.  It's the time I have heard more than a nicker type sound out of her. 


  • I usually just use my goat milk soap. :)So, was Cherish a good sport about it, or did she scream like you were killing her?

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