This goat, Westie has been panting and pawing for over three weeks. Her new due date was May 31 (150) and of course I expected her to do something by days 145...NOPE) I was puzzled as she did not have an udder fill (2nd freshening) but she was not in any distress so I have waited patiently and not so patiently. Late yesterday afternoon she "uddered up" and she is larger still this morning. Still not goo or the like but I was beginning to think my slender girlish goat had gotten obese instead of pregnant. I have been resigning myself to stupidity in not being able to actually have her kid when I thought it would happen. She has been huge for quite a while. Anyway having made an udder gives me hope that there are indeed kids in there not just stomach rumblings.
Perhaps all along she wanted a June baby!
That's sweet, maybe you are right, but it is getting so I know she must be ready for it to be over. I have kids due in June also. After watching my new babies panting from the heat yesterday I decided that I will try to avoid births this late from now on though. After I pick this doe up sat. who is due then it should be a while before I have any but unfortunately it is hot here so much it really won't matter. When they begin coming again it will still be HOT. It is Hot 11 1/2 months of the year here. Best to you, I can't wait to here what happens with Westie!