Another survey like forum, I want to find out what the most popular fence is to keep these little critters contained!! And what kinds of toys people provide
My pen is made of 16 foot cattle panels. There are four of them attached together to form a square. It is clipped in the corner. I have only had three escapes! But when they did elude me, I called them and they all came running like a stampede!! Soo cute!
My goats get four spools inside their pen, which they use to sunbathe and then there are ten in their stall, which forms their mountain!!
What about you?
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If she's going through the holes, you'll have to wrap chicken wire around it. Don't even both with adding a single strand in the middle of the squares. They push that away. Good luck!
S. Rhoades said:
Going through one of the holes is possible. It is a grade panel with small spaces at the bottom and larger ones at the top, about 4x4 or 6x6. She is only about a foot high at the shoulders. It is a 4 ft panel. I don't know if she could have jumped it. They have a plastic play house in the middle and I am not sure if she would jump off of this over the top. I will have to wait to see tomorrow, if she will escape in front of me. Thanks for the ideas! Let me know if anything else comes to mind.
Going through one of the holes is possible. It is a grade panel with small spaces at the bottom and larger ones at the top, about 4x4 or 6x6. She is only about a foot high at the shoulders. It is a 4 ft panel. I don't know if she could have jumped it. They have a plastic play house in the middle and I am not sure if she would jump off of this over the top. I will have to wait to see tomorrow, if she will escape in front of me. Thanks for the ideas! Let me know if anything else comes to mind.
Either went through one of the holes or jumped over the top. They can usually fit through the holes until they're several months old. Some are also very good jumpers, especially if there is something close enough to the fence for them to use as a launching pad. Is that possible?
S. Rhoades said:
One of my kids escaped the livestock panels today. I am not sure how. The corners were secure. Any ideas? Now how do I fence them in?
I found my spools on the road with a free sign on them from telephone or eletric companies. They usually have them outside their plant.
Inside, my goats play on their mountian of spools! :)
S. Rhoades said:
I was wondering what other toys people have.... I have two young goats outside they have a kids play house and a slide because I have not found any spools yet. (Where do you get them?) Inside they have a wooden box, stump, ball and upside down plastic sled. What else do you give them to play with on rainy days they are stuck inside?
For fencing we use the Premier1 Electric Netting. When we first let the goats out I stayed with them and my DH stayed at the fencer ready to unplug it if anyone got tangled. I think they each touched it ONCE. Now they graze right around it and make me nervous but no one actually touches it! For toys we put logs and branches into their fence and we pulled our old side porch into their pasture and everyone lays on it. We never used that door anyway :)
I was wondering what other toys people have.... I have two young goats outside they have a kids play house and a slide because I have not found any spools yet. (Where do you get them?) Inside they have a wooden box, stump, ball and upside down plastic sled. What else do you give them to play with on rainy days they are stuck inside?
Hey Crystal!! You quite the set up!! Love the giant spools! I have a few that size, but they take up too much room in my movable pasture - so they just get short ones. I have always wondered if I could take some boards out and make a shelter -- awesome idea!!
Crystal Swindell said:
We have just the basic livestock fence- not the no- climb. We have 2 spools. My husband had a neat idea with the larger one- he took a few boards out of the core- center- leaving a rectangular opening that was still partically enclosed and with a bottom. We use this to store hay, providing shade and cover for them while they eat. We also have a triangular structure that my husband made out of pallets. He put boards on the sides so they can climb. I attached a picture of my daughter enjoying the TeePee with them as well as our boys basking on the spools.
We have just the basic livestock fence- not the no- climb. We have 2 spools. My husband had a neat idea with the larger one- he took a few boards out of the core- center- leaving a rectangular opening that was still partically enclosed and with a bottom. We use this to store hay, providing shade and cover for them while they eat. We also have a triangular structure that my husband made out of pallets. He put boards on the sides so they can climb.
I attached a picture of my daughter enjoying the TeePee with them as well as our boys basking on the spools.
Logs, what are they?! LOL We don't have any trees big enough to be cut down and considered logs!! Just twigs, as I call them! The goats have NO SHADE, so that is why they have so many spools! If I was strong enough to move a bigger pen, they'd get more spools.
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:
Oops, forgot about the toy part of the question -- our goats have a couple of spools in the barn, and outside we have logs and parts of logs in the pastures.
S. Rhoades said:
S. Rhoades said:
Inside, my goats play on their mountian of spools! :)
S. Rhoades said:
Crystal Swindell said:
I attached a picture of my daughter enjoying the TeePee with them as well as our boys basking on the spools.
maggie and goats in triangle.jpg
3 boys.jpg
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said: