Extremely simple cheese recipe!

Decided tonight to make some cheese from my purchased N.D. milk.  It was incredibly simple following the directions in this video. No need to measure temperature or let it set because you stir it the entire time so cannot mess up (that I really like!). I halved his recipe (used 2 quarts milk and 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar) but you could also quarter it. Out of the two quarts of milk, I had six cups of whey so that means to me I got a pint of cheese. After draining it and further pressing out the whey, I added about half a teaspoon of garlic juice from my minced garlic and part of the herb mix that came in the cheese kit I bought yesterday (and may never use now). I crumbled the cheese and mixed it with my hands so I was sure to get the sea salt, garlic juice and herbs well mixed. I did not press it into any kind of mold but left it crumbled because I like it that way and it will mix into an omelette or salad better. You can, of course, press it so you can slice it. It is absolutely delicious!!!


(So far the cream in the purchased milk has not separated and it was Wednesday evening's milk.  I'm wondering if mine separates the way it does because I freeze it to cool it so I put some of hers in the freezer this morning.  Perhaps I stumbled on a way to easily separate the cream?)

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  • Sounds good!  I might have to give this a try! =)  Thanks for sharing.

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