
  • I got carried away last night looking at the doggies on the link and didn't get back to you but it is totally believable to me. I have seen a lot of animals react in such ways. However, I don't know, since this dog was a rescue, if it was ALL natural or if it may have been taught (through encouragement) to clean another animal's baby.

    As far as experience, the best I can tell you is that, my sister has 2 pyrs purchased from working dog stock and trained, with her myotonic herd. This past spring they went out to discover one of the does had just had a kid in the pasture and not cared for it, instead the dog cleaned it and was taking care of it and they bottled it at each feeding and then gave it to the dog who cleaned it up and looked after it, the rest of the time as far as I know.

    Any way, it is not so uncommon with herd dogs and as the site you linked warns about, these things should be handled with caution because you never know what can happen!

    My little dogs are willing to care for the kids,  but I don't know about the does allowing them to. Marley was kind of a wishywashy FF who didn't want certain dogs around at certain times but didn't mind others at certain times. So I just kept an eye on them and if they were annoying her I ran them away if not I let them stay! Butter, will still not let any goats even to close to Penny. She is an excellent, and very protective mother.

    I want a Bearded Collie! As far as I can tell there are very few of them around! If anyone knows of any keep me in mind! I would love to have one, who actually comes from working dog stock! I do need a pup for early training purposes and must get a girl, because they are just better dogs! I would also love to have a Grt. Pyr. Had one once, a long time ago, great dog! Would use a Rottweiler, if I could find just the right one. We had the best one in the whole world, our only daughter at the time we only had boys. She would have been the perfect herd dog! Have heard some good stuff about Anatolians, curious about them and ADORE Border Collies & Blue Heelers!

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