Today, two of my does were fighting a lot. These does normally leave each other alone. One of them was making weird moaning noises and her tail was wagging a lot. And she kept smelling the butt of the other doe. My guess is that she is in heat? The other goat, I don't know if she is in heat, too, or just crabby from getting her butt smelled. We have 5 does total, and the other 3 were acting normal.
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One other thing I have noticed is last year when they came into heat - their (what do you call that on a goat?) rear would be swollen, pinkish, mucuousy - now it is really small, no red, even the day I saw a long string of mucous dangling - no swelling - I marked the calendar to check 18-21 days later.
All of those things together on the same day would mean a doe is in heat. But just one of those behaviors one day and another one on a different day doesn't mean much. And if one is always trying to mount the other, that's definitely a dominance issue.
Melissa Johnson said:
I noticed an odd sound from one of my does the other day - it was subtle so I thought hum - was that my imagination? Their tails have been swishing - and today one urinated - then smelled it really close and the top lip curled up - so is she checking her own condition? She is my "herd boss" my 2 does. She always wants to mount her sister. Especially if she get "riled" up over something -
I noticed an odd sound from one of my does the other day - it was subtle so I thought hum - was that my imagination? Their tails have been swishing - and today one urinated - then smelled it really close and the top lip curled up - so is she checking her own condition? She is my "herd boss" my 2 does. She always wants to mount her sister. Especially if she get "riled" up over something -
Sounds like she is in heat -- the one making the weird noises with the wagging tail, which they call "flagging" in goats. Some goats are more calm than her when they're in heat -- not making the weird noise or butting heads. You might only see flagging in quieter does. You might have another one come into heat tomorrow and/or the next day. They seem to cluster like that.
Melissa Johnson said: