hello all,

Well, got the girls all settled and will include some photos of their digs.  They have been here with me for 5 days, and have settled well.  They are both 8 weeks old.  I have been feeding hay free choice, 1/4 cup of purina goat chow am and pm, have loose sweetlix goat minerals, baking soda, water, and milk available to them at all times. 


One doe girl is doing great!  She hops over the play yard they are in whenever she gets the chance and I usually find her on the hay bale in the garage.  


The breeder asked me to feed them goats milk in a pan for another month.  Trouble is I could get only one of them to take milk in a resistant fashion from a bottle.  I put milk in a pan in the am and pm in hopes that it would work.  Only the smaller doe seemed to be interested.  One night she finished all of it.  Is this something I need to worry about?  If they are eating the other stuff, is this ok?


Also, I noticed diarrhea in the play yard this morning.  I have narrowed it to Peaches, since Patches (the bigger doe) actually is hopping out and her stools outside the play yard are normal dark berries.  I took a picture that I hope is appropriate to post.  Can this be from her drinking old milk?  Any suggestions on how to treat this?  When should I begin to worry?


thanks all!

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  • Sulmet and Corid can also be used for coccidiosis. You can usually get them at local farm supply stores. Is the breeder close enough to get some from him or her?

    Steve K Rayes said:

    I double checked on grain.  so far, they are getting very little.  I was advised to start treating for coccidiosis.  The regime was to provide the injectable 40% orally at a dose of 5ml today and 1ml per day per goat for 5 days.  Problem is....you can't get the stuff!!  I called Agri-labs to see why they have been on backorder since January, and they said that the manufacturer was unable to produce due to FDA, and just got clearance to reproduce but it will be at least a month to have that in again.  


    Are there any other meds I can use to treat for coccidiosis??  I also have Biomycin (tetracycline) and Pen G.  I am a bit worried about one of the little ones.  She is laying more than standing and doesn't seem happy.  I tried all local resources and cannot find Di-methox, and the vets are not available until Monday. Any suggestions??

  • Deb and I just discovered that there is a medicated mineral block by sweet lix. I believe it's to prevent coccidiosis... of course it's not in a strong enough dose to totally get rid of it I wouldn't think, but it seems like it would be better than nothing until you can see the vet.


  • I double checked on grain.  so far, they are getting very little.  I was advised to start treating for coccidiosis.  The regime was to provide the injectable 40% orally at a dose of 5ml today and 1ml per day per goat for 5 days.  Problem is....you can't get the stuff!!  I called Agri-labs to see why they have been on backorder since January, and they said that the manufacturer was unable to produce due to FDA, and just got clearance to reproduce but it will be at least a month to have that in again.  


    Are there any other meds I can use to treat for coccidiosis??  I also have Biomycin (tetracycline) and Pen G.  I am a bit worried about one of the little ones.  She is laying more than standing and doesn't seem happy.  I tried all local resources and cannot find Di-methox, and the vets are not available until Monday. Any suggestions??

  • I don't have much to help you... but OH MY GOSH. I love what you did with the "book shelf" thing!! I'm totally doing that.
  • Cute girls! I love your hay feeders.

    As for the diarrhea, maybe coccidia, if there is NO chance the doeling got into some grain and ate too much. You might want to ask the breeder if she's seen it in any of the other kids in the past couple weeks. If so, I'd suggest treating both does, because if the other one doesn't have diarrhea, she probably will shortly.

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