My doe Panzy, who had a really rough kidding in March and has been dry on one side (at least I thought she was) since her single kid only nursed on the other side, seems to have started producing on the dry side? Tonight when she got on the milk stand I could see that that side looked a bit full. I gave her teat a squeeze and some clearish liquid shot out. I milked about 3 ounces out of that side. It looked almost clear at first, and was more white by the end. What got on my fingers felt quite sticky, about as sticky as colostrum, but not thick.
Anybody have any ideas what is going on? Is she starting to produce milk on that side now? Her doeling was 3 months old on the 9th of June. She's still nursing, but I've never seen her nurse on this side. I've been milking her other side every morning, but haven't touched the dry side since baby was a week or two old.
Thanks for your thoughts! :)
:) Thanks, Deborah. I'm greedy like that too, and have milked that side three times now. There hasn't been a lot more, nothing like last night, but I'm giving it a try.
My guess would be that the doeling has been sneaking some nursing on that side, although the clear stuff sounds like she hasn't had any milk removed for quite some time. I'd start milking that side, but I'm just greedy like that. :)