Ok. I have a doe that is almost 2 and is pregnant for the first time. She shouldn't be due until middle of January, but the udder that is forming is telling me that somehow the buck got her before I put them together. Through the fence maybe? I don't know. Anyway, she has tested neg for CAE and CL, so we're good there. She is just acting really strange. She walks a little then lays down. She walks like her legs are not working right, like they are stiff. That could be from her laying dwn all the time. She has been doing this for about 2 weeks. Her udder is just coming in the past couple of days. Could she be acting weird because this is her first? No fever, no cough, no runny nose.
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Wow, kids (2 legged ones) are so smart these days! My son just showed me how to pull up an on screen keyboard. I didn't know I could do that. Now I can type nnnnnn's and bbbbbbb's yea! I love kids! All of them! 2 legged and 4 legged!
I totally uderstad where you are comig from. (Sorry I have a stuck letter that oly works whe it wats to guess you ca tell which it is!) so... ayways I have had other kids oly 1 Dwarf out of a doe who was very experieced. I have 9 girls who FF's this sprig so I am also a wreck. ok so I have to go to the computer repair shop. I have two stuck letters, guess someoe got sticky o here. waitig to see what happes! LOL! Hate this!
I'll get a picture if her tomorrow. She really isn't as wide as some if my other girls are getting. But like I said, she is on the small side of a Nigerian. This is her first time and might be her last because she is smaller than I would like. That's why I waited until she was almost 2. But my goodness I feel her pain! She is miserable!! But I reall do appreciate y'all encouraging me. This is my first group of girls to have babies so I freak out over every little thing!! :D
Deb is right, they can act just as out of sorts as us people when carrying that load. I will never get over seeing Marley pregnant with her twins last year. She was miserable (and she is not even a dwarf) and made horrible sounds for weeks and weeks. I swear for a while there it seemed more like I had a cow at my house. I would hear her all the time moaning and groaning and she really sounded like a cow, seriously. LOL!
No matter what we tell you, you will worry! It is natural. You are going to be a mommy and we worry. Just watch her closely and try not to as long as she really doesn't seem to be having any other problems. Remember to stop and breath occasionally! It helps! Best to you and remember there are a lot of great folks on here if you are worried and need to share your concerns!
Do you have a pic showing that width? I love the pics!
Yes she is eating fine. She is on the smaller side for a Nigerian. And she is getting pretty wide!! I just am hoping and praying that she is having at least 2 and not one big one. I think that is what freaks me out the most. That's why I have waited until she was older before I bred her.
If your doe is due mid-January, she is right on target for developing an udder. You didn't really describe anything that sounds unusual for a doe that is due in a month. She could be carrying 3-4. If that's the case, her breathing could start to get compromised towards the end, so don't be surprised if you can start to hear her breathing the last week or so when she lays down. I especially feel bad for my does that have quads. They seem so miserable towards then end because they're not comfortable standing or laying down. Is she eating normally?
Wow, kids (2 legged ones) are so smart these days! My son just showed me how to pull up an on screen keyboard. I didn't know I could do that. Now I can type nnnnnn's and bbbbbbb's yea! I love kids! All of them! 2 legged and 4 legged!
I totally uderstad where you are comig from. (Sorry I have a stuck letter that oly works whe it wats to guess you ca tell which it is!) so... ayways I have had other kids oly 1 Dwarf out of a doe who was very experieced. I have 9 girls who FF's this sprig so I am also a wreck. ok so I have to go to the computer repair shop. I have two stuck letters, guess someoe got sticky o here. waitig to see what happes! LOL! Hate this!
Deb is right, they can act just as out of sorts as us people when carrying that load. I will never get over seeing Marley pregnant with her twins last year. She was miserable (and she is not even a dwarf) and made horrible sounds for weeks and weeks. I swear for a while there it seemed more like I had a cow at my house. I would hear her all the time moaning and groaning and she really sounded like a cow, seriously. LOL!
No matter what we tell you, you will worry! It is natural. You are going to be a mommy and we worry. Just watch her closely and try not to as long as she really doesn't seem to be having any other problems. Remember to stop and breath occasionally! It helps! Best to you and remember there are a lot of great folks on here if you are worried and need to share your concerns!
Do you have a pic showing that width? I love the pics!
If your doe is due mid-January, she is right on target for developing an udder. You didn't really describe anything that sounds unusual for a doe that is due in a month. She could be carrying 3-4. If that's the case, her breathing could start to get compromised towards the end, so don't be surprised if you can start to hear her breathing the last week or so when she lays down. I especially feel bad for my does that have quads. They seem so miserable towards then end because they're not comfortable standing or laying down. Is she eating normally?