Do you shave?

Do you shave the udders of your milking does?

A friend who I visited last week and observed her milking said to be sure to shave the udder.  I understand why she shaves hers as she has full-size goats.  With the much smaller udder, it seems like it will be much easier to clean thoroughly than it would be with a larger doe and not need to shave.

If you do shave, what suggestions do you have for this operation?

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  • I'm sorry but I prefer to keep anything I can the way God made it assuming that it is usually best that way (except things like horns in captivity). And yea there's always plenty to do without extra stuff to worry about anyway so I am not going to even try doing all that except for on anything I might show in the future.

  • It's really a matter of personal preference. We've never clipped udders for anything other than showing. I wouldn't say you have to do it for milking. If you were getting off-tasting milk, and nothing else was working, you might try that.

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