Di-Methox Question, quick

Hi all...

I have a 3 mos old doeling that I need to treat ASAP for Cocci...

I have a packet of Di-Methox powder (107 gr)---do I mix the entire pkg w/ 1 gallon of water?
(That's the recommendation for cattle)

And, if so, can I not just use 1/2 the packet with 1/2 gallon of water?

(She weighs 20# and I was told to do 1cc/5#, the first day, then 1cc/10# day 2-5.)


Thanks so much.




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  • I'm so glad your doeling is better. Those are really small goats. Does are not normally bred until 35-40 pounds, and most does reach that weight by 7 to 12 months unless they are genetically small or have had a parasite problem that slowed down their growth. There are some smaller lines of NDs out there, but they are not ideal as dairy animals -- they're too low to the ground for milking, and their production is minimal. It really bugs me that NDGA says the "ideal" for an ND is 17-19 inches when a 20 inch doe can be a challenge to milk unless she's all legs. Ask the breeder what the mature height and weight is for these kids' parents to get a better idea of what you're looking at genetically, and then you'll have a better idea of how their growth is.
  • Star is doing MUCH better today...(thank the Lord)....and I appreciate your all's input. I do understand that Diarrhea is the symptom of something else, but her poops were getting pretty watery...and I was very, very hesitant about the Pepto---another good friend and breeder had suggested it as she'd done it before---sparingly. I prayed about it, a lot...and felt Peace---and just gave it that one time. 

    She's better and I'm so relieved. 

    I also added more milk in her bottle (1/2 milk, 1/2 water) bc I thought it would be better to ease back into the "all" milk. I also upped the Noble to 3/4 cup...(2x) and will keep adjusting slowly till they are at 1 cup. (2x)

    I actually have two doelings the same age, and a yearling. All look to be in "good flesh" not heavy, not thin....and another friend who bought a doeling from the same breeder, whose the same age---looks to be the same weight. She shows quite a bit, so I'm thinking my girls are about right, in comparison. I re-weighed them all last night---both girls are 18# and the just-turned-yearling is 30#. So, I don't know why the weight differential is so much between your 2 month olds and my 3 mos olds, but I will work up to a bottle of total whole milk and keep giving it to both the doelings. They eat their pellets and hay so well, I just thought I should be weaning them...but I'm totally fine continuing the bottle. What do you think a good time to wean should be? Do I go by weight or by age?

    Thanks again, so very much for your help and input. I really appreciate it.

    Blessings to you all.



  • If she is eating Noble Goat and has diarrhea, it would be very unlikely that she has coccidiosis, because it's medicated. Are you sure she has coccidiosis? Did you get a fecal? A number of things can cause diarrhea.

    I have never given a goat pepto or immodium or any of those meds to my goats. They just throw off your perception of reality. Diarrhea is not a disease in and of itself -- it is a symptom of something that needs to be fixed. If you get rid of the symptom, then you have no idea when the actual illness has been taken care of.

    If she only weighs 18 pounds, she needs milk, even if she is three months old. My two-month doelings are usually around 25 pounds. A cup of Noble Goat twice a day would also be good.

  • Well...nothing like paving the way here---I called Jeffers...and they said  for the DiMethox to equal the 12.5% (which is what Albon is)----its 5 packets to 1 gallon. (I have 1 packet)...

    so there's 128 oz in a gallon...1/5th of that is 25.5 oz...for the packet....or a little over 3 cups of water.

    Which is what I did---mixed it together well, and have given her 4 cc....(1cc/5#---which she's 18# and I bumped it up to 20#)...Tomorrow-day 5, its 1cc/10#...right?)

    I also gave her 5cc of ProBios...last PM (at midnight) and will again today---in a few minutes.

    But she's still scour-y...no temp, chewing her cud, eats 1/2 cup of Purina Noble 2x/day, plenty of hay, and drinking water---I was going to wean her from the bottle this week, but now I"m glad I havent...and its mainly white water...meaning, we've reduced the whole milk down to 2 oz and the water added is 6 oz....I could also add some electrolytes?

    Last PM---which was the first FULL day of runny stools, I gave her 1 tsp of Pepto w/ 1/2 cap of Imodium crushed...should I do that again today as well?

  • My vet sold me Sulfa Tabs, so I don't know how they compare to Di-Methox
  • You do not have to mix up all of the powder at once, but you would need a digital scale to know you are reducing it appropriately. I've always used the liquid, and if you are talking about the liquid, that is the appropriate dosage, but I don't know if the concentration is the same for the powder. Does it say 12.5%?
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