FINALLY!! I think I might actually have a pregnant doe. lol She is a FF, and she's due at the end of Feb. So far, not showing a huge amount (read: AT ALL) and her udder isn't filling out. To top that off, she's THE MOST BUCKY DOE EVER. When other does are in heat, SHE starts flagging. She makes those weird bucky noises. She's even tried to pee on her face... it's creepy. Today, she started up with the bucky sounds and chasing my youngest doeling around. I've been thinking that the doeling is starting to have regular heat cycles, but I haven't been able to compare dates yet. So today, I went into my Google calendar, and marked her down as potentially in heat. The last few times, she's been kind of close to Harriet (AKA my buckdoe) and Ginger. Both of which have been bred and shouldn't BE in heat. NOW though, I think I've narrowed down Lucy's cycle, and it's no where near the other two does now. YAY!!

ALL of that to say, I THINK HARRIET MIGHT ACTUALLY BE PREGNANT!! Now if I could only tell whether Ginger's breeding took, that would be awesome. :)

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  • I've seen a few small FF udders that didn't show until a couple weeks before, so that's what I'm hoping for. Her teats are beautiful, IMO... I can't wait to see how her udder looks. :)

  • I'm thinking you should see at least a handful of an udder a couple weeks before she kids. I had one doe six or seven years ago that only had a handful of an udder, and she had a rough time feeding a single kid for the first couple days. It made me very nervous.

  • Crossing my finger for you too!!  I have one doe due on Feb 16th and her utter is huge, and my other doe is due March 18 and she has a good developing utter also.  Hoping your doe is one of those does who go straight into labor.  Good luck I know you have been waiting for a long time for this pregnancy!! :0)

  • She's due at the end of Feb and she's not showing at all? Or starting even a teeny udder?  Hmmm. Not that I am very experienced but my does were clearly showing at 3 months and even my FF started building her udder about 4-6 weeks out. Also, my LM FF is due mid-March and I can already feel a slight swelling to her udder.  However I believe some does may go straight into labor without building their udder. I'm crossing my fingers for you!

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