Creaking Knees

I have a yearling doe who has had creaky knees for a few months now. Her dam's knees creak occasionally, but I have never heard her sisters' knees creak. Is this a deficiency in something? I have Golden Blend minerals and baking soda out at all times for everyone. I gave her COWP in February, but could she be deficient in selenium or calcium perhaps? She hasn't been tested for CAE, but the herd her dam came from is CAE negative. She is going to a new home in October after she has been bred so I would really like to get this figured out and fixed if possible before then.

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  • Just thought I would chime in that my buck is very creaky and clicky when he walks.  He is CAE neg & otherwise healthy as a horse. 

  • I think it would be hard for me too Kailyn. I would always be thinking that it must hurt too.  But I know a lot of times that people have "The Creeks" and they don't hurt so if she acts like you say I don't think she is hurting. My knees creek some but they don't hurt. I hope you will be able to get use to it.

    I think that if they start to give her real problems that you will notice when she gets up from resting. I really believe that the first sign will be she will struggle to get up and have to stand a bit to adjust before moving along etc. You know that sort of "I am stiff" kind of acting thingy! I think getting badly overweight or perhaps during bad weather might could cause a problem. Basically the same things you would expect with people.

    If you don"t see that type of stuff and she seems fine then you gotta just believe that she is good to go!

  • Ok, it just errks me because she's my first goat who's this bad so to me it just isn't normal. I feel bad for her because it sounds like it's painful so I want to find a way to make it stop! I was trimming hooves this morning and when I picked up her front hooves to clip, her knees cracked so loud that my instant reaction was, "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry girl!" She didn't flinch at all and I realized it wasn't my fault, it's just one of those little things that bothers me. But if she really is OK, I'll just do my best to let it go... even though I still wish there was something I could do to "fix" it. Thank you for letting me know your goats who were tested and are disease free are the same way, I think it will help calm my nerves :)

  • I just bought a 1 year old Nubian mix who "creaks" She is CAE and CL free so I figured I would not worry about it. We all creak eventually. :-)

  • I was worried about the same thing with my alpha doe. I took her to the vet and she told me it is probably harmless if the doe is active and not showing signs of pain. I had her tested for CAE anyway and she came back negative. So I have allowed myself to get used to the cracking sounds and relax a bit. I'm interested to hear more on the subject..
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