cracked hooves?

we picked up our little 6 week old  nigi/Nubian  named sunny and I noticed the bottom of her paws are cracked? is that normal? my daughter bought some mane and tale  brand for hooves from tsc. (kinda feel stupid don't know if it's for goats or humans ?) anyway what to do leave it or try to fix them? pics added. any help would be appreciated . thank you Dion

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  •  thank you she hasn't complained, I just happened that I noticed it (mainly because it's been pretty cold here in Michigan. and my full nigi and my lamanacha/Nubian share a stall and since she's new their picking the pecking order. so she's been sleeping under their sleeping bench on the ground and it's to cold to be that little an sleeping there. so my daughter has been babying her in her room.

    thank you for all the answers, Dion Walters 

  • I looks to me like her little hooves just need a trim.  Don't forget that the heel needs a little trim also.  Like Deborah said go slowly,  don't make her bleed.  I got a thick sticky cream from Premier that has copper sulfate in it for hoof rot.   I have never had a problem with goats as they are checked often and done monthly (approx) but found it works well with my sheep.   They are harder for me to do -it takes two of us.   With the sheep if we find a little rot - we cut it out -use the cream and wrap it with the  tape wrap for a couple of days.   Takes care of it.   

    My little goats are drama queens so would not like to have hoof rot with them.  I am sure they would think they were dying. 

  • thank you

  •  Is the cracked part the part that is like our fingernails? If so, they just need to be trimmed. There are some YouTube videos on how to do it. If it is stinky when you trim them, then she might have a mild case of hoof root. You should be able to tell which parts are stinky. If you trim off all of the stinky part, that should take care of it. Go slowly, however, a little at a time so that you don't make her hoof bleed.

  • sorry on pics i'll try to add better ones. hope these help.

    IMG_20150219_203518 (1).jpg



  • Welcome! I'm sorry I can't really see anything in the photos because they're pretty dark. I've never seen cracks on the bottom of a goat's hooves. Do you mean the wall of the hoof is cracked? the part that's like our fingernails?

    Also, is there a typo in your original post? She doesn't look like six weeks or like she's crossed with a Nubian. Also, I wouldn't expect to see cracking on hooves on a kid that young.

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