I need help.
I need to provide some names of commercial dairies which use Nigerian Dwarf goats, either completely or in part, for their milk source. By "commercial", I mean enterprises which are proper businesses, either large dairies which produce milk only, or small family dairies, or cheese makers, artisanal cheese makers, etc. I do not mean hobby farms nor farms which work by barter. I mean breeders or dairies which are principally producers of dairy products and have that as a reason for the businesses.
I am attempting to get the Dairy Goat Society of Australia to recognise the Nigerian Dwarf as a dairy breed and to create a herd book and registry for them. I have been asked by one of the committee persons to supply some names and sizes of commercial operations in the U.S.A. in which Nigerian Dwarf goats either figure or feature.
The only one I could think of so far is Pholia Farm in Oregon.
Any names, contacts or suggestions would be appreciated.
How exciting!
Deborah (and Rachel)
I have contacted Gianaclis (among others) and she sent the following:
Kush Hara actually had a SARE research project on using ND goats in a commercial dairy. Here is the report:
Sadly, we're not a certified dairy. The idea of investing $100,000 is kind of scary to me! So, instead I teach cheesemaking.
Deborah, here on this forum makes aged and artisan cheeses on her farm. There are a lot of small dairy breeders that are not licensed, because they are small enough not to be. My herd is small enough that I don't have to be licensed to sell my raw milk.
I would suggest you call or write the American Dairy Goat Association and ask for some names. They would probably be one of the better places that I can think of to get a good list. They have a pretty extensive herd registry. You might also contact Giannaclis (of Pholia) and as her if she knows of others like her.
Here is the contact page for ADGA: http://www.adga.org/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&a...