Can a vet test for vitamin deficiancy?

I saw Isabel stargazing again. And by now I am not totally convinced that thiamine deficiency is what is causing her to do that, however she did not do that before she kidded in February, so I am pretty sure something has to be causing it, I just don't know what. She is the only goat in my herd that is doing this. She is the thinnest goat, and I have been milking her twice a day... her boys have gotten a few accidental sucks from her, but for the most part are weened. I just copper bolused her a few days ago, she has free choice minerals and hay, and is currently not getting any grain at the advisement of the vet. Does anyone else have any ideas what this could be or what I could try?


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  • also, I read you can have a diagnostic lab test for thiamine deficiency but it takes a while...
  • I decided to slowly put her back on her regular diet. Other than being thin, and stargazing,  she really doesn't have any other problems. I looked at symptoms of a few diseases which could cause a goat to stargaze, and the only other symptom that she might have is muscle twitching, in the back or shoulder area every now and then. But that could be anything. Since she is the only one doing it and according to the information on those diseases she would be dead in 48 hours if she had one of them and was not treated. She is a bit of a slow eater, on the milkstand compared to Indiana, and she really doesn't eat the hay much since kidding, Only from the bottom of the crate, and only for a couple hours after I change it. Indiana doesn't eat much of the hay either, so I just think that may be because they are on the milk stand getting the feed mix twice a day...about 2 c. while I milk. Then again I wouldn't say we have the greatest hay either... herd good things about a guy down the road...will have to check that out soon.
  • Seriously, some goats just do that. Six or seven years ago I bought a new goat, and she did that all the time. I gave the girl a few B-vitamin shots before someone told me that some goats just do that. If she has no other symptoms of illness, it could just be a habit.
  • Will be interesting to see if that's what's going on... if a vet can do that!


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