Bucks...good grief!

One of my does is in heat and the Sr buck is obsessed with her. Of course, he has bred her multiple times. Will he leave her alone and settle down when she goes out of heat? If the "rut" is generally in the late fall...will he act like this until then, regardless of whether anyone is in heat/already bred? Will he go back to tolerating my baby buck? And the noise he makes...nothing can prepare you for that noise. If I hadn't been watching him I would have sworn there was a chimp hooting nearby! And he is starting to get pungent which is understandable, considering what he does to himself. Mostly I just want some input on the "rut." Thanks!

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  • He won't make that noise much if there is not a doe in heat. If you only have one buck, it should not get too bad. Last year I had all of my does bred by October, so I put my bucks across the creek, and they proceeded to beat the snot out of each other for the next two months. Your baby buck should be okay because he won't challenge an adult.
  • So even after everyone is bred he is still going to act the fool? And he is still going to act like the baby buck is competition until *his* hormones cool down, even if there are no does in heat? Great. I mean, it is what it is but I like to let them out to graze in different areas. The does will stay nearby, and if it is the bucks and the does, they all stay nearby. But if I just let the bucks out they seem more prone to wander. Perhaps not so much now that they are doe obsessed. The smell isn't so bad (yet?!) but the hooting makes me crazy. Yesterday I had a killer sinus headache and I swear that hooting, chimp-like noise was making my eyeballs bulge! 8-) He's better today as the doe appears to be done with this heat.  I honestly think I would be a little afraid of a full-sized buck in rut.
  • I'm sorry to say I have to agree with Julia. It's "normal." He will leave the doe alone after she is no longer in heat, but mostly because she'll beat him up if he keeps trying to bother her.
  • Yes this is what it is like when they are in rut Stinky making stranged noises butting each other heads and peeing all over them selfs especially in their mouth. It last from late August until some time in Febuary at least thats how long my bucks are in rut last year. It will get a lot worst before it gets better. Welcome to owning bucks
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