One of my bucklings has the runs. I don't have the money to take in fecals for a float... so I'm going to assume it's coccidia.
Nothing has been changed as far as feed goes, other than I remembered I dosed with selenium paste the other day... I noticed blobby poo about 2 days ago, but up until today, I couldn't tell which of the bucklings it was coming from.
I will be going into town to buy sulmet as per Deborah's suggestion (thank you deb!!)
I dosed with pepto to help stop the runny poops and keep him from getting dehydrated.
I fed DE with their grain today.
I sprinkled some copper rods into their grain today too.
Their water has never been more than 2 days old.
They don't get in with the chickens (the chickens do get in the goat yard, but not in the area I have the bucklings.)
They have been on the same feed.
Their bedding was JUST starting to need a new layer... and even at that, it's cleaner than most barns I've been in. Still smells like hay in there.
Any other ideas?
That makes sense, because he's the most skittish of the two. I brought them home a month ago, but he's not as friendly as the other buck is. Being near people makes him pretty jumpy. He's also the youngest of the two, and so the weaning might be another issue.
Sounds like you've got it covered. I'm starting to view that scenario as the curse of the bucklings. The stress of weaning and/or moving to a new home causes them to have a ridiculously high rate of coccidiosis. My doelings that stay with mom forever (separated overnight) don't get it.