I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about with this title --- those goats that are spoiled rotten because of how cute they are or how sorry you feel for them. And because of that, you tend to let them develop bad habits. Yeah, well, I have one of those (four, actually!). Her name is Beauty. Here's the story.
For about a month now, whenever I go in their stall to take them outside, Goose, Fairy, and Hansel are all standing there waiting to go out, while Beauty is laying under a spool. I hook leashes up to the does (Hansel does evil things with his leash, so he goes out without one), and begin to lead them out. Problem is, Beauty wants to be a drama queen, and stretches for about two minutes, walks as slow as she can out of the stall, and then rub on everything else. Cute as it may be, she does this while her sisters are pulling me outside. Because it takes so much pulling to get her anywhere, I devised a plan of my own.
For the past few days, I've gone out and just given Fairy & Goose leashes, taking them (along with Hansel) out to the pen, leaving Beauty to have her "beauty" sleep. The first day, we made it all the way out to the pen, before she can walking out, following behind. Each day, she comes a little faster, but I still end up waiting by the gate for a bit for her.
Today was different, however. I took F&G out with H like usual, and we didn't even get passed the main gate on the barn before Beauty came running out of the stall, following behind. She realized she wasn't going to be spoiled and sleeping in wasn't much fun anymore. :) Hehe.
Goats are just like children, aren't they? (or, so I hear).
What sort of "princess" stories do you have? Share a laugh here about how spoiled your goats are! I'm openning this up to hear some of your funny stories!
Cute story!! Goats are so funny, each with their own personalities!!
LOL! That is so cute. I can just picture it! Great thread idea. I'll have to come up with a story for you and I am sure we will get lots. It will be nice to have a discussion to go to for a laugh!