I am bottle feeding a newborn goat, that the mother seems to have no interest in.
The milk replacer intsructions suggests feeding every 6 hours, 2 to 4 ounces. So far that seems to be not enough for the kid. He is hungry about every 3 hours. I don't want to over-feed him. I am open for suggestions on this matter.
She actually gave birth to two. One didn't survive. She had the first one in the field but immediately left him. She ran about one hundred feet and then had the other, who didn't survive. She paid no attention to either one and roamed the field like nothing happened.
We did get some milk from her which I fed him and also bought colostrum replacer, in case.
The kid is doing fine at this point and hopefully will continue to do so. Thanks for your help.
Can you give us more details about what happened? Was this a single kid? Is this a first time mom? How big is he? Was he able to stand and walk? What did the doe do that made you think that she didn't want him? Was she aggressive towards him or simply ignore him or something else? How long did the kid stay with her?
Kids REALLY need colostrum because of the antibodies. You should milk her ASAP and give the kid her milk in a bottle. Did you have colostrum replacer? It is not the same thing as milk replacer.
Joe, you can be milking her and giving him the bottle. That way, he's still getting mom's milk.
No, she wouldn't go to him at all. I've been bottle feeding him since his first meal. I seperated her from the other goats and I am going to make one more attempt to re-unite them. Do you think that is a good idea? I'm a novice at this situation.
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:
He is 1 day old. Nigerian Dwarf.
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:
How old is he? And is he a Nigerian or a larger breed?