Blood Collections kits

Hey guys I was wondering, for those who collect their own samples, where to you buy your blood collection items from.  I have my vacutainers, but now I need to order the collection needles.  What do you guys use and were do you order from?  Thanks

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  • Thanks everyone! I guess we will just do that and get these tests off to the lab! I'm a little nervous, but my husband pokes people all the time and is really good at it.  I'm sure he will do a fine job! LOL

  • Yes! Sorry I didn't address this. For a CAE test, you only need a 3 cc syringe, and if you send it to WADDL, they can also do CL, brucellosis, and Johnes on the same blood draw, so no need to re-stick. I did CAE testing with Colorado State one time, and they needed 5-6 cc in purple top tubes, so I just used the 6 cc syringes. You can get syringes up to sizes far bigger than you'd ever need -- like 60 cc!

    Margaret Langley said:

    As I said, I was told you can pull with the needle and syringe then fill the tube. If so, I would use a big enough syringe to not have to collect but once with out re-sticking.

  • It's ok, I understand and yes they do it in the jugular. I am not fond of it but am working on learning. Made a royal mess on Quill and didn't get his. Don't have a clue if you can do it anywhere else. Only heard of doing it the one way from everyone.

    Actually the needles that come in the kit from biopryn are the type that has a needle pointing in each direction. You put it in the needle holder and then one goes in the jugular and the blood starts to run you snap the tube over the other end of the needle that is inside the holder then the blood runs into the tube. It is probably the same set up you saw on the video. I wish I knew how to use some different types so I could choose what seems easiest.

    You should only need one vial to my knowledge, but I only had cae and pregnancy test run. I don't know about if you get all the test run, then you may need more vials.

    As I said, I was told you can pull with the needle and syringe then fill the tube. If so, I would use a big enough syringe to not have to collect but once with out re-sticking.

    Wish I were more help!

  • A vet tech taught me to draw blood, and she said to use the one-inch needles, 20 gauge. We use them to draw the blood then stick them into the red tops, and the vacuum just sucks the blood out of the syringe. I think a syringe is like 20-25 cents, so it's really cheap. I forgot what I paid for the tubes, but I bought them from the cheapest place I found online by googling something like "buy red top blood tubes." You draw the blood from the jugular in the neck. There is a video on the Biotracking website that shows you how to do it. That's pretty much the way the vet tech taught me to do it. And at U of I, they always do it in the jugular too. Sometimes they want to shave the area, but my vet tech friend used a spray bottle of alcohol to soak down the hair on the neck so that you could see the jugular easier.

  • I got my tubes with the red tops on Ebay for 23.00 for 100. 10 ml.  I have a huge box of syringes, with needles, that I ordered form Hoegger's, but I wasn't sure if you guys actually used that, or what they use in blood draw banks.  The butterfly needle, with tubing, then the vacutainer connector so you can do multiple vials without having to poke again.  My husband is a paramedic and my best friend is a midwife and that's what they are telling me to order, but they are really expensive.  Also I was watching a video on how to draw blood from goats, and the video showed it in the jugular.  Is that where you draw blood from or do you do it in the leg, like dogs?   Hope this makes sense, hard with medical supply terms! LOL

  • This can vary from state to state, but in Illinois, we can buy syringes at the farm supply stores. You can also buy them from Hoegger and Caprine Supply and other liveestock supply companies online. I'm guessing that maybe it's legal in all 50 states to sell syringes now because there are no disclaimers on the website about "unable to ship to ___." It wasn't legal in Illinois to buy syringes without a prescription until about 15 years ago.

  • Janel, you do have the tubes with the red tops right? I have been told that you have to use that kind...don't know?! Biopryn also has sets of 30 for $29.  / 50 for $34.50  /or 100 for $42.50. Will let you know if I find needles only. Do you have the needle holder yet, or do you need it also?

  • Janel, I need some more soon, so I am going to look for a place to get them, individually and I will let you know if someone doesn't tell both of us before I figure it out. I ordered my first ones direct from biopryn on line. But that was a kit with everything to do 11 goats for $15.50. Where did you get the containers? I have been told by one breeder that if you have the containers, you can draw the blood with a needle and syringe and then put it into the container from there. But I am looking.

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