I think I paid $19 for 50 lbs sometime last year... I put them into air tight buckets and they are still here, even sharing with chickens. My herd is far smaller than Deborah's though.
Mine get about 1/4 cup at each milking. Its claim to fame is that it increases butterfat, so if you're not really milking much, you probably won't notice a difference. We make so much cheese that we notice our yield goes down when we run out of sunflower seeds.
I have never bought them so that was a shock. My pygmy's don't give me enough milk to begin with and i'm not sure that it would pay me to buy any seeds. How much do you give them?
About the same, but I mixed them in with my goat chow and a bag of alfalfa pellets, and I won't need to buy feed for a LOOOOOONG time.