Baby goat naming issue...

This is a little random, but I have someone buying a baby from me who is planning to name the baby.  She suggested a name that seems to sort of include her herd name (as part of the goat name and after my herd name) but still...I don't think I feel comfortable with that.

Am I being too sensitive?  If not, how might you go about telling her that name isn't acceptable without being nasty?

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  • Registered names are also a way to help track lineage. That is why it's a requirement that the herd name go first. I personally wouldn't let someone put a farm name into a registered name. It could create confusion, and it looks weird. It's just not the way it's done! lol 

    There are a few things that IMO give off an impression to other breeders/buyers. IMO, this is one of them. It just doesn't LOOK good. It's like selling bucklings out of a FF. If you are worth your salt as a breeder, you just don't do it. I say go with your gut. 

    If I were in your situation, I'd tell my buyer that just isn't the way it's done, but that she is welcome to CALL her goat whatever she'd like. It just won't be the name it's registered with. If she wants her farm name in a registration, she can do that when she breeds, and has babies on HER farm! ;) 

  • well...I guess I should say that she wants to include part of her farm name in the goat name.  I'm not certain if she has an adga herd name or not.  But obviously I don't want her farm name to be part of the goat's name that I bred.

    Maybe I will just announce that I am no longer allowing people to name my goats period.  That would solve it.  I didn't feel strongly about it before now...

  • This is my kidding schedule page:

    For the first 6-7 years, that page just kept getting longer and longer as I had to deal with buyers who had unrealistic expectations -- like telling me they wanted kids with horns after the kids were already disbudded.

  • I don't think ADGA will let you use a herd name in a goat's name like that. The herd of origin is at the front of each goat's name, but beyond that, I tell buyers that it is simply my standard practice to name goats a certain way. All reputable breeders name their kids. Some name them as soon as they hit the ground so as not to have any problem with potential buyers. I will let potential buyers pick a name, but within certain parameters.

    This is what I have on my website:

    Naming goats

    Like most serious goat breeders, we name our registered kids based upon a pattern or system. People have all sorts of systems, but in our case, each doe has a theme. For example, Carmen is named after the opera, and all of her babies are named after opera characters. Carmen got her name because her mother, Dancy, had a musical theme, so all of her babies were named after something musical. One of Carmen's daughters is Lizzie Borden -- yes, there was an opera about Lizzie Borden. Lizzie's babies are named after outlaws. One of her daughters is Bonnie Parker, and Bonnie's babies will follow a Great Depression theme. Get the idea? Why do we do this? To keep everyone straight! People are always commenting on how they don't know how I can keep all the names and pedigrees straight on nearly 30 goats. Well, I wouldn't if I didn't have some sort of system. Not only can I keep straight who's who on the farm, but I will also recognize names of goats that are sold. So, if someday I see one of my goats on a show list or a milk test list, I'll immediately know who the parents were just by looking at the name. Of course, you can call your goat whatever you want. We have bought a few goats that had such odd names, we just couldn't bring ourselves to call them that -- like Thrill and Hot Rod. If you feel strongly about a goat's name, please be sure to inform us when you first contact us. We are always happy to have help coming up with names, and we've been very happy with some of the names that buyers have selected. If you'd like to help name your goat, just let us know, and we'll tell you what the dam's theme is, and you can do all the research to find a suitable name.

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