
  • Thank you so much ladies, that is a big help...I just did not want to use it and have it make the goats sick.

    I usual use pine shavings on the floor of the night time pen (10x10 dog pen with roof) as it is just a dirt floor and I find the shavings help to prevent it from getting overly smelly in the hot humid Florida climate, as the shavings have almost a kitty-litter effect of soaking up the urine, instead of allowing it to soak into the dirt floor, it also makes clean up much quicker and most certainly more effective...I then use the shavings in the compost or directly around the bottom of my rose bushes.

    For bedding in the "goat house" which is located inside the pen I use hay because of all the reasons you mentioned.

    Ironicly the cedar work even better for my chicken house because it nutrilizes the smell better than pine....So either way the bag hubby brought home will get used but I needed it for the goat house not the chickens lol.

  • OK I read the link and my decision is that if it were me I wouldn't worry about using cedar (I would as for the bag hubby accidentally bought), but I wouldn't go to the expense. Like Deborah said, they get expensive. I love wood shavings, heck I just love wood, so of course I love the shavings. Nothing looks cleaner and more comfy than a big pile of them, but they cost a lot and you always worry about if they could do harm of some flukey kind. It is just easier and cheaper and totally safe to use their hay. I don't worry much about it because since I have yet to fix good hay saving feeders they waste so much that they make their own beds and I just have to rake it up and compost it and feed them again and they start making their beds all over again. If only children made their beds the way kids do! LOL!

  • Kelsie,  I found this link, from this site (here) that talked about cedar shavings.  Hope this helps.

  • Please does anyone knows about using Cedar Shavings??

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