Are my does Pregnant?

I just bought two Nigerian Dwarf does yesterday. The woman I bought them from claims that they should be bred. If they are, they should be due June 5 and the 18th. I haven't had much experience with pregnant goats. I have tried doing the pooch test but I'm just not sure and would like everyone's opinion.

The first three pictures are of the doe that is due June 18th. The rest are of the doe that is due June 5.

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  • Thanks Rachel and Deborah for your input! I guess I will just have to wait and see if they really are pregnant or not! :)

  • Ditto on what Rachel said. I have never heard anyone say that it mattered whether or not the goat was holding up its on tail, and it certainly does not make a difference with my goats.
  • Personally, I think that the "pooch" test is just about the worst of all the "signs" that a goat is pregnant. In my goats that have had "the pooch" it didn't matter if you held their tails or not. It's one of those things that when you know what you're looking at, it's not so hard to tell. At the same time, it will take you some time to get to know your own goats and what is different than "normal" for each of them. Also, the determiners that a lot of people use to "know" that their does are pregnant are things that alone, can also mean nothing. It's when you see these signs coupled with OTHER signs that help you to be sure that a doe is pregnant. Any of them on their own don't really mean a whole lot. 

  • I have another question. I posted these same pics on a facebook group and I was asked if i was holding the tails up. I am because when they are caught, they have their tails down. I can't get close enough to them to get a picture unless I catch them. I was told that the tails have to be up naturally to tell if they are pregnant or not. Is this true? I haven't ever read or heard of this (perhaps I just missed it?) and I just wanted a second opinion. Thanks!

  • Thanks everyone!

  • One of my does is due May 15th and she doesn't look pregnant at all and her pooch is not puffy. However, I started feeling her udder early on and now it is soft and puffy as she's definitely building her little udder. I don't know if all of them do this but seems like a good way to tell if they're pregnant!

  • Start feeling them now, so that you know what their udders felt like before. That is helpful. If you want to know for SURE, you can take blood and send in a pregnancy test to

  • They do look a little puffy, but I generally start checking udders about six weeks before the due date. You should have something developing in the udder area within a month before they are due. 

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