Always deworm expectant moms?

My girls just had a fecal test and the worm load was low.  Vet said they need no deworming.  I know many (most?) folks deworm their does a month or so before their due dates and some right after kidding.  If the worm load has been verified as low, should they be dewormed as a matter of course?  I'm inclined to give them extra fir boughs and rosemary (maybe some D.E.) rather than formally deworm there.

What is the best course of action here?

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  • Thank you for the background on that suggestion; that falls in with my gut feeling.  Since the fecal test showed a low worm load and the eyelids showed borderline, I will go with the single dosage and monitor closely.  I will also make certain they get all the "goodies" they have been getting all along (the fir boughs, rosemary and D.E.) to keep things in check.  I admit to not thinking super clearly about my girls and kids right now.

    I will wait on the shots.  The important thing for today is the disbudding and checking the moms.

    Though a bit difficult to admit, I am so on high alert now, and still more stressed that I was admitting.  Summer's buckskin buckling was laying under the heat lamp while everyone else was out playing so I watched him like a hawk awaiting a long-overdue dinner.  Fortunately, when they all came back in, he got up and started eating and playing and went out with the rest of them on their next trip and was even more lively than the his siblings.

  • That is VERY old information, Glenna. You do NOT need to give a second and definitely not a third dose of dewormer. When I had a parisitologist read the parasite section of my book for technical accuracy, he gave me the history of that advice. Vets said that back in the 1990s when they were starting to see resistance to Safeguard and because it did not work with arrested parasites -- and there really was not any research into goat parasites at that time, so vets were basically flying by the seat of their pants, simply making recommendations that seemed logical. People started to generalize, not understand the reason behind the recommendation on Safeguard and just started saying that you needed to do it with all dewormers. PROBLEM is that you will get resistance to a dewormer VERY fast if you use it three times ten days apart as you will basically be selectively breeding the worms that are resistant to it. I explain all of this fully in my book, which comes out in the fall, but in the meantime, you can also get the most current information on parasites by reading the research at

    As far as baby shots -- aren't these kids just a couple weeks old? The manufacturer of CDT does not recommend that it be given until 5-6 weeks.

  • Ouch.  I was told to give it to them again at Day 10 and Day 20 to catch any new hatchings.  Looks like I won't get to drink milk for a month.  Though I had not planned to take much (before I lost so many babies), I did want a glass or two now and then.

    Since they live in a worm unfriendly area right now, if their eyelids look okay tomorrow, should I give the second and third doses?

    Vet is coming tomorrow afternoon (Friday) for disbudding and checking moms as well as baby shots.

  • If you gave it at 2X the cattle dosage, the withdrawal for oral ivermectin is 9 days.

  • Whoops, bit of important information missing.  Orally.

  • Did you give it orally or injected? There is no milk withdrawal for injected because it takes months to get out of their system, which is why it is completely impractical to use it in dairy animals.

  • Glenna, I checked the Jeffers site and it only gives a slaughter withdrawal time which is 56 days. It doesn't give a milk one because it is NOT approved for use in dairy cattle of breeding age. Here it is if you want to read it:

  • So, after all this discussion and after a friend checked eyelids and found them to be borderline on both of my expectant moms, I dewormed them on the 12th with Ivomec Plus.  Did not do Ginger as her eyelids were bright pink.  How long do I need to wait to drink the milk?  This only became an issue after losing my first doeling of the season since I am now going to milk Capri twice daily with her having only one baby after her body preparing for quads.

    With all that has happened, the 12th seems like weeks ago.  However, I wrote it on the calendar and that is when it was.  I'd like to start drinking her milk right away and will put tonight's in the freezer.  If I cannot have it, I guess my kitty will get it as well as strip milk.

  • Thank you, Deborah.  I have printed that for future reference especially noting its source, good ol' Washington state. <g>

  • It's not really my recommendation; I was quoting the manufacturer's recommendation, which is 3-4 weeks for the highest level of passive immunity. Hopefully you purchased a new bottle rather than just getting a couple of syringes from the vet, as many people (including vets) don't follow the manufacturer's recommendation to use entire contents when first opened.

    Info on vaccines is here:

    There are lots of vaccines available, but you will note that nothing else is recommended unless you actually have a problem with the disease.

    Glenna Rose said:

    Okay, have the CDTs, son knows where to inject (took him to where I buy my milk and Wendy showed him which was where/how he thought anyway).  But he got to meet other NDs besides mine; all are so very cute.

    Deborah, you recommended three weeks before kidding (vet had said 6-8 weeks before).  Due dates are April 2nd and 9th.  If they get them this early, with the babies still be fully protected by antibodies?

    On Wendy's suggestion, I decided to do only CDTs now and to all three of course.  What other vaccinations do they actually need?

    Margaret, I printed the article and took it with me today for my car's oil change and borrowed their highlighter to mark things in it.  Good use of that down time.

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