Alternate feed and bedding...

I have tons of pepper trees and tall weeds etc that my goats enjoy to eat and I was pondering the idea of trimming stuff for them to eat in their stall instead of hay at night.  Does anyone have experience feeding branches/bundles of weeds etc?


Also, I have lots of dried grass clippings on the pasture that I have been using for bedding for my chickens.  Wonder if I could do that for the goats?

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  • I need a scythe now.


  • Goats love freshly cut weeds/grass/leaves... My dad has a scythe that he uses to cut it for them, and we try to use that during the summer rather than hay. They'll eat a LOT of it for sure! Ours always seem happy that they just get to sit at the feeder and munch on tasty weeds and grass rather than have to go forage for it. Yesterday I also did some tree trimming and gave the cut branches with leaves on them to our young bucklings -- the leaves were all gone pretty quickly!
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