I had some experienced goat people tell me today that since my buckling only seems to have 1 testicule that I had 3 choices: 1) Put him down, 2) wait til Feb. & take him to our University Teaching Vet school for a free surgery 3) Call a vet when he's 8 weeks & have a local surgery.
The one lady told me she had a 4-h student one time that had a buckling like this & it actually impregnanted a doe (after the 1 testicule was banded at 8 weeks) It also grew the buck mane & had the smell & acted totally like a buck the entire time.
I have a lady who's interested in him & we were going to band him at 8 weeks old as she wanted him as a wether for a pet.
Any advice for me? Anyone else's personal experience?
I agree with Deborah.
Banding him won't do any good as he does have a second testicle, it is simply not descended. Yes, he will get stinky and bucky. He may or may not be able to impregnate a goat, but he won't make a good pet. Banding him would be a waste of your time and worthless pain for the kid. Most people use monorchids for meat before they get stinky.
We had a monorchid goat six or seven years ago, and he died when he was a few months old. I was willing to give him away, but the only person who was interested called her vet, and he said that the cost would be $100+ depending upon how hard it was to find the second testicle. We had a monorchid cat once, and he wound up with an incision from his scrotum all the way to his rib cage because the testicle was so high.