
Hello, everyone! I am new to this forum and had a question that has been weighing on me. 

This is our second year having babies and we are so excited. Our doe just gave birth to a beautiful doeling on Sunday and baby and mama are doing great. Unfortunately, we lost a baby last year to what we think was coccidiosis. The little buckling we lost never had diarrhea, but looking back, he did seem a little off before we lost him. After he died, his brother came down with diarrhea and we immediately treated him for coccidiosis (with corid) and he pulled through. 

So, we know that we have had a coccidiosis issue in the past and we are determined to nip it in the bud this year. I have read so much conflicting information on preventative treatment and wanted to turn to the experts on here for some advice. 

What do you guys recommend for prevention and/or treatment? We love this little doeling (my babies named her Velvet :]) and want to do right by her. Thank you so much! 

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  • Hi Tanika!

    Coccidiosis is an awful issue to deal with and I'm sorry that you lost a kid last year. 
    Deborah actually has an entire article on Coccidiosis. 
    I'm posting it for you here :)


    Preventing Coccidiosis
    Coccidia are intestinal protozoa that can cause death in kids, as well as diarrhea and overall poor body condition
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