At 7p.m. last night our doe,Rose, delivered a doeling under the house in the crawl space.  My husband went under and saw the baby come and then what appeared to be the placenta. It is now 2:p.m. Sunday afternoon, there is still bloody gunck hanghing out.  What should I do?

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  • If it is dragging on the ground, it sounds like placenta. You can tie it in a knot so that it isn't dragging on the ground. Does it look like either of the placenta pictures I linked to? Once you get to 36-48 hours after kidding, the risk of infection starts to go up. Keep a close eye on her, and if she gets a fever, she'll need to be started on antibiotics. After 36 hours, some people just start antibiotics to be on the safe side. Opinions are split on whether or not to try oxytocin injections as they don't seem to work very often.

    Esther Haley said:

    Thank you for your help. It was about 10 minutes after the baby came  that what we assumed was the placenta came out.  Rose is up walking around like normal. The string hanging out is bloody for about 4 inches right out of the birth canal and then from there to the ground is dryed up.


  • Thank you for your help. It was about 10 minutes after the baby came  that what we assumed was the placenta came out.  Rose is up walking around like normal. The string hanging out is bloody for about 4 inches right out of the birth canal and then from there to the ground is dryed up.

    Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:

    Ditto on everything Rachel said. In case you're having trouble describing what you're seeing, here are a couple of pictures of placentas:

    If it's just mucous-like, it's nothing to worry about. Even if it's a placenta, there is nothing to worry about at the moment, but we can discuss more if that's what it is.

  • Ditto on everything Rachel said. In case you're having trouble describing what you're seeing, here are a couple of pictures of placentas:

    If it's just mucous-like, it's nothing to worry about. Even if it's a placenta, there is nothing to worry about at the moment, but we can discuss more if that's what it is.

  • A couple questions for you:

    1) How long after the doeling came out did what you think was the placenta come?

    2) Can you get a picture of or describe in detail what the "bloody gunk" looks like?

    3) Is your doe up and moving around, eating, etc. and otherwise acting normal?

    ASSUMING your answers are:

    1) There was time, and it was between 30min to an hour between:

    If there was time between the doeling and the placenta, then it probably WAS the placenta.

    2) Your picture and description are similar to: bright red/dried blood 1-2 inches worth, and not more:

    If she's just got blood back there, and it's not longer than a couple inches, it's most likely just the normal discharge from delivery. They will bleed for a while. Some for more than a week. My FF is still a little oozy back there once in a while.

    3) She's eating and drinking normally, interacting with her kid, etc.

    If she's acting normal, and her temp is fine, then what you're seeing is most likely normal. If the gunk bothers you too much, you can wash it with warm, soapy water, but it's not necessary, and it will most likely come back since her delivery was so recent.

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