Kid favoring a leg?

So, I had a couple of doelings born a two weeks ago in the cold, and I already had posted on here about their frostbitten ears. Anyways, they are doing good, the frostbitten parts of the ears look like they will fall off soon, and hopefully that…

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21 Replies · Reply by Tammy Gallagher Mar 14
Views: 120

Hello from Mississippi!

Hi everyone! We've just gotten into goats with the care of a small herd of 3 Nigerian Dwarf goats, two Does who are assumed pregnant and due in June and one intact Buck. Both does have kidded before and their previous caregiver is mentoring me in…

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4 Replies · Reply by Tammy Gallagher Mar 4
Views: 32

Precocious Udder?

Hi--- I have a 5 month old doeling who has developed an udder. I about fell over when I discovered it. After a lot of research, I found that its a legitimate issue that can happen to young, unbred Juniors--esp if they come from a high production…

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14 Replies · Reply by Robyn Barnes Mar 2
Views: 6859


 our girls are really getting big now, and showing . they will be due late March early April, we r so excited .  we wanted, to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.   will keep u all posted later, bout our girls

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Comments: 0

My ND goats

Hi everyone! I thought maybe you all might want to see some pictures of my goats. So here they are, I hope you enjoy them...

I'm glad they don't mind the snow, because we're sure getting a lot this year!…

10604000297?profile=original 10604000865?profile=original

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A Year (and a half) in Review

Bought the kids July 2015. Bred Mira January, first travel and goat-sitters March, babies June, learned how to milk, sold babies August, started playing with chevre and cheddar, built cheese press, rigged a sort of cheese cave, expanded goat yard, added more play structures for the goats...

...and I keep putting off the eternal question from Willow, "Can I keep another doe next year?" I keep waiting for the proverbial bloom to fall. I waited to see if she'd get tired of the constant…

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Comments: 3

Old Haunt Blog Announcement!

Hi Folks!

I'm announcing my new (still being edited and added to, but published) farm website complete with blog! I wanted to put the blog link here, since it's about my recent (and first) kidding experience. I've gotten a TON of support here over the past few weeks, and I thought I'd share this story with you as a sort of thank you! I hope you enjoy it! Here's the link...…

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Latest Activity

Tennyson Magness is now a member of Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats
Kelly Matkin is now a member of Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats
Connie Brooks is now a member of Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats
Thrifty Homesteader Team posted a discussion
In this episode, host Deborah Niemann is joined by Mallory Kaiser, president of the Alberta Goat Association and vice chair of the Canadian National Goat Federation. Mallory shares insights into the goat industry in Canada, including available breeds, import/export challenges, traceability regulations, and the demand for goat products. Whether you’re curious about how goat farming differs in Canada or considering expanding your own herd,…
Aleta Orlandoni is now a member of Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats
Beth posted a status
Well, our dates were off, but we got the girls moved into the barn about 3 days ahead of our surprise kidding. One doe down, one to go
Mar 16
Tammy Gallagher replied to Tayla's discussion Kid favoring a leg?
"I think it's just going to be a wait and see game on that area of the hoof. She may just have a permanent  indention there. I really hope you keep us updated on this so we can all learn from it!
thanks so much  for keeping us informed :)
Mar 14
Thrifty Homesteader Team posted a video
I get a lot of questions about inbreeding, and one of the great things is that if you have ADGA-registered dairy goats, you can go to ADGA to see how closely they're related. Here's what I'm talking about ...
Check out my article on Is Inbreeding Livestock Okay?
You can find Thrifty Homesteader on ...
Mar 14
Tayla replied to Tayla's discussion Kid favoring a leg?
"That makes sense. She was born February 10th, and so it's been a bit more than a month since she would have gotten the frostbite. She has now lost both of her ear tips, and I watched her play for a while yesterday, and she is definitely using her frostbitten leg more. I'm hoping that you are right, and that she won't end up loosing her hoof! 
What about the outer part of her hoof that flaked part ways off when she was a few weeks old? Is there any chance that it will grow back? I know I am…"
Mar 14
Thrifty Homesteader Team posted a video
Learn how Leslie Cooperbrand and her husband created a successful agritourism program at Prairie Fruits Farm & Creamery and how it evolved over time. You’ll learn about special infrastructure needs, insurance, biosecurity, and animal welfare concerns. Leslie will also share a simple template for determining profitability of agritourism events and activities.
Leslie Cooperbrand began her professional career as an ecologist-turned-soil scientist, spending 15 years as an academic researcher…
Mar 14
Tammy Gallagher replied to Tayla's discussion Kid favoring a leg?
"I do not have an exact answer for you on that hoof, but I have an opinion :)
I think if it was severe you would have already seen tissue sloughing. Since that is not the case I believe it may gradually have healthy tissue replacement as the damaged areas grow off over time. Much like when a nail bed is damaged and gradually grows off  because the injury was not bad enough for the entire nail to fall off. tammy"
Mar 13
Lucy is now a member of Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats
Mar 12
Tayla replied to Tayla's discussion Kid favoring a leg?
"Yeah, she does seem to be using it a bit more. And it only seems to cause her pain when I press on it with a little bit of force (which is much improved). When she runs, she uses her leg like normal, when she walks, she has a slight limp, and when she stands, she holds her leg up slightly. Compared to her sister, she lays down a bit more to rest her hind leg I'm assuming. 
But do you guys have any idea how much longer it would be until I start seeing the tissue die and fall off? Or will I not…"
Mar 12
Tammy Gallagher replied to Tayla's discussion Kid favoring a leg?
"Thanks for the update. is she still favoring that foot or starting to use it more?
Mar 12
Tayla replied to Tayla's discussion Kid favoring a leg?
"Here is an update. They both have lost the tips of one ear, and their other ears are pretty close to losing the tips. So far so good. I have continued to soak Sunshine's hoof twice a day, and put on iodine in the morning, then vetericyn gel in the evening. I haven't seen any significant change, but no pus or anything. Her temp has been close to 102 degrees every day, so that is good 🤞 I'll add a picture of her hoof. 
I trimmed the fur from the area so that I can see the area better. This pic is…"
Mar 12
Thrifty Homesteader Team posted a discussion
In this insightful and eye-opening episode, host Deborah Niemann is joined by Tammy Gallagher of Shady Paddock Farm in Texas to discuss the challenges of dewormer resistance and parasite management in goats. Tammy, a certified FAMACHA instructor and Nigerian Dwarf breeder, shares her personal experience of losing goats to barber pole worms and the lessons she learned in regaining control of her herd’s health.
Mar 12
Thrifty Homesteader Team posted a video
Discover the pros and cons of starting a commercial goat dairy, goal setting, product development, labor needs, customer base, and marketing and sales, based on Leslie Cooperbrand’s 20 years of experience operating Illinois's first farmstead creamery. She will cover regulatory requirements, using Illinois Department of Public Health as an example and will provide a basic framework for determining start-up and operating costs. You’ll hear examples from her experiences creating and running…
Mar 11
Thrifty Homesteader Team posted a video
Taking animals off the farm is a daunting exercise but opens doors for community engagement and a healthy profit. Learn about pricing, logistics, insurance, and risk considerations when traveling off-site with livestock and engaging with the public through petting zoos, birthday parties, goat yoga, and more!
Our guest is Margaret Chamas. After a solid 4-H dairy goat career, Margaret pursued animal science degrees at Cornell University and Iowa State, focusing on ruminant nutrition and grazing…
Mar 11
Thrifty Homesteader Team posted a video
Discover how goats and sheep can combine conservation, outreach, and profit through vegetation management with Margaret Chamas, who has seven years of experience managing her own grazing herds, as well as other farmers.
You can find Goats on the Go online at …
Directory of Goats On The Go affiliates: /
National directory of targeted grazing: /…
Mar 10
Shalane Rogillio is now a member of Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats
Mar 8