snow (2)

My ND goats

Hi everyone! I thought maybe you all might want to see some pictures of my goats. So here they are, I hope you enjoy them...

I'm glad they don't mind the snow, because we're sure getting a lot this year!


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First Deep Snow

We have had snow here on and off for quite a while but it hadn't hung around nor was it very deep. The goats didn't seem to go out too far in it and hung in the doorway a lot.
Well! The big snow came all day Monday about 1 to 2 inches an hour and I kept them inside with the door closed because the wind was brutal and swirling snow in every direction. I didn't want snow in to pens. Tuesday when I opened the door they all rushed out and stayed outside most of the day. The snow was 16.4 inches deep! They scampered about belly deep and didn't care at all.
I am glad since it looks like the snow will continue to come.
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