Goat Landscapers and Targeted Grazing

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Discover how goats and sheep can combine conservation, outreach, and profit through vegetation management with Margaret Chamas, who has seven years of experience managing her own grazing herds, as well as other farmers.

You can find Goats on the Go online at …

Website: https://www.goatsonthego.com/

Directory of Goats On The Go affiliates: https://www.goatsonthego.com/affiliate-directory / support@goatsonthego.com

National directory of targeted grazing: www.hiregoats.com / admin@hiregoats.com

Check out my Homegrown Business Course: https://thriftyhomesteader.thrivecart.com/homegrown-business/

Check out my podcast on Rent a Goat: Turning Goatscaping Into a Thriving Business: https://thriftyhomesteader.com/rent-a-goat/

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