Have Goats, Will Travel!

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Taking animals off the farm is a daunting exercise but opens doors for community engagement and a healthy profit. Learn about pricing, logistics, insurance, and risk considerations when traveling off-site with livestock and engaging with the public through petting zoos, birthday parties, goat yoga, and more!

Our guest is Margaret Chamas. After a solid 4-H dairy goat career, Margaret pursued animal science degrees at Cornell University and Iowa State, focusing on ruminant nutrition and grazing research.  She runs Storm Dancer Farm in Smithville MO, raising dairy goats for show, crossbred meat goats and hair sheep for targeted grazing, and miscellaneous equines and poultry.

She also consults for Goats On The Go after managing three territories in the Kansas City region for several years. She serves as the Livestock Viability Manager for Practical Farmers of Iowa.

You can contact Margaret on ...

Email: stormdancerfarm@gmail.com

Website: www.stormdancerfarm.com

Check out my Homegrown Business Course: https://thriftyhomesteader.thrivecart.com/homegrown-business/

Check out my podcast on Rent a Goat: Turning Goatscaping Into a Thriving Business: https://thriftyhomesteader.com/rent-a-goat/

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