Newbie goat mama here. :) We have two open young gals (one's almost 2 and the other is almost 1) that share our 12.5 acres to to our flock of 11 chickens. We give them a little grain before putting them to bed and they have free access to their minerals.
What would be the correct hay to give them for when the ground is covered with snow? We don't get a lot, but, there will be days they won't be able to browse much.
And, when they are bred (we'll planning for a late spring kidding) what's the preferred hay then.
Thank you!
Michelle in Idaho
Thanks! These girls seem to be doing just fine. In face, they're getting a little chunky, because the keep snitching from the chickens feed. ;o) We're working on a design to feed the chickens where the goats can't get in. But, they are determined! ;)
Hm. It was always my understanding that holly is poisonous to goats.
Katharine Norton said:
Hi Michelle, I also have 6 months when I have no fresh feed (due to dry season rather than snow) and I have found tree crops invaluable! There is one tree here that grows like a weed, the goats love it, and I can cut it fresh for them even when there is no grass. Perhaps you also have some trees that would serve a similar purpose? I've also heard of animals eating holly that has wilted a few days (I guess so its not so spiky!) http://www.permaculture.co.uk/articles/holly-%E2%80%93-returning-an...
Well, I did more research and went ahead and picked up some 50/50 grass/alfalfa. They hardly waited for the trailer to stop moving before they started munching! LOL! And, the hens helped themselves, too. ;o)