what is right age for a buck to start breeding. i have a lamancha x nubian doe 140-150lbs and 15 months old.
i was told i only needed to wait 4 months for a healthy,potent buck. should i wait longer ?
i also read bucks are ready at 7 months . what is right ?
she's in heat so i don't know if i should wait for my buck to be ready ?
i have a buck available, but , i want to make sure she has enough rest time between preg's
any comments or suggestions i would deeply appreciate it.
pic 1 is my lamancha cross
pic 2 is my buck
pic 3 is another cross doe (mini nubi) i'll be breeding, but, she won't be ready yet (she was born mid dec 2014 ) she's about 5 months old (fattie)
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is right age for a buck to start breeding.
i have a lamancha x nubian doe 140-150lbs 15 months old.
i was told you only needed to wait 4 months for a healthy,potent buck. should i wait longer ?
i also read bucks are ready at 7 months . what is right ?
she's in heat so i don't know if i should wait for my buck to be ready ?
i have a buck available, but , i want to make sure she has enough rest time between preg's
any comments or suggestions i would deeply appreciate it.
pic 1 is my lamancha x nubian and my other cross doe (mini nubi) i'll be breeding, but, she won't be ready yet (she was born mid dec 2014 ) she's about 5 months old (fattie)
pic 2 is my nigerian buck and sis
both mini-nubi and lamancha x nubian are both ffers.
also pic 3 is not there but, goat is in pic
black and tan =large lamancha x nubian
tan and white =small mini-nubian
2 pic
white top on head = nigerian buck 1 week old (next to him on left is his beautiful sister)