What is average weight and size of 9 mo old bucks?

I have little experience with bucklings. Had 2 a coupple years ago that I used and then wethered. I remember them being my cuties. I just don't remember their size. My current guys are 2/3 or slightly more of most of my girls. Does this seem on track? They are so distracted by girls- I am trying to be sure to get food into them. Luckily, they are delighted to eat with their love interest! Let me know about sizes!!

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  • Oh, you're comparing them to adult does? Then, no problem! They're doing great! :)

    I love the Cicada buck I have here. He'll be two in the spring, and he's never had a dewormer. And he's a sweet boy.

  • I have no doelings their age- only adults. So I think they are doing well. Only one a little thin is Nicholas but he is pink- just not as dark as other two. He always needs more attention- probably that bottle baby syndrome. Cicadas son Oliver continues to be a stud-muffin! Such a logical calm sociable guy although not an in face goat. Gorgeous. Can't tell about his body- ALOT of hair. Nice weight!

    I was just curious.
  • They should be about the same size as does their age, although genetics do play a part. However, I doubt that in your case, all three bucks have some smaller genetics coming through. Do they feel meaty along their spines? Are their eyelids dark pink or red? If they seem like they're in good shape and healthy, I wouldn't worry too much about their size in relation to the does.

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