Well, that was fast

I talked to friend last night who is going to pick up a new buckling in July.  He suggested I check the same farm to see if I liked any of the kids there and offered to pick them up for me if I did.  Well, I fell in love with 2 doelings and bought them - just about 10 minutes ago.  Guess I have to build the barn and pastures a little faster than I anticipated now :)


Here's a link to the farm.  I bought Tiffany and Clara.  Beautiful!  I'm so excited,  I think I'm done with work for the day hehe.



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  • We almost bought from them a couple of years ago.  But then I found a couple of pregnant does to buy.  Congrats!!
  • We have named them Kahlua & Bailey  - their names are changed on the website now

  • Thanks!  I can't wait to get them home.  Have to start construction this weekend I guess.
  • How exciting! They're lovely. We weren't quite done with our goat living space when we brought ours home, either. The breeder called us 2 months earlier than she's originally told us. It'll be fine!
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