Weaning my kid off goat milk replacer

Does anyone have any advice on weaning Buckwheat, (he's going to be 3 mos. old on May lst) off the goat milk replacer? I've been watering it down for him, giving him fresh hay and also, I bought goat feed, but he will not touch it.  Any ideas? He always cries at night and in the morning for it.  I have to give it to him!! He won't stop crying! Help!!!

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  • They are so cute !!! 

    Beverly Almeida said:
    I'd listen to Deb....she knows way more.....had to wait for my husband to get home as he had the wires for my camera....but here are the pics now.....sorry2771468047?profile=RESIZE_1024x10242771468155?profile=original
  • A cup a day per kid is plenty for most doelings and intact bucklings. If you have a heavy show schedule or something else stressful in their lives, they might need more to maintain body condition.

    Lyn Adams said:
    Oh No, I'm I feeding mine to much ??  We did cut back to 3/4 at night. They used to get a cup at night. LOL
  • I'd listen to Deb....she knows way more.....had to wait for my husband to get home as he had the wires for my camera....but here are the pics now.....sorry2771468047?profile=RESIZE_1024x10242771468155?profile=original
  • Oh No, I'm I feeding mine to much ??  We did cut back to 3/4 at night. They used to get a cup at night. LOL
  • This is not too little. I tell people 1/2 to 1 cup a day per goat. Especially if you have wethers, they really don't even need any grain at all. My original wethers got to be 100 pounds on an all grass diet. When people get wethers from me, I tell them to give 1/2 cup grain a day -- 1/4 cup twice a day -- and to feed it by hand so the kids will be really friendly. And when they run out of that one bag of grain, they don't need to buy any more. Wethers are extremely easy keepers, and it is easy to overfeed them.

    Beverly Almeida said:
    I wonder why he told me they only get l/2 cup a day....am I feeding them too little grain??? It's sweet coarse l4 grain, it's got molasses and corn and pellets in it....should I give them more do you think? I don't want them to be hungry...they eat hay all day and they're drinking water.......I also don't want them to get bloated.  I'll go out and take some pictures of them now....post in about an hour.....
  • I wonder why he told me they only get l/2 cup a day....am I feeding them too little grain??? It's sweet coarse l4 grain, it's got molasses and corn and pellets in it....should I give them more do you think? I don't want them to be hungry...they eat hay all day and they're drinking water.......I also don't want them to get bloated.  I'll go out and take some pictures of them now....post in about an hour.....
  • Well congratulations on the new arrivals. I'm still waiting on my next two. Soon I hope, sometime in June.

    We are feeding our goat 1/4c  beet pulp, Deluxe Rabbit  and goat grain. It's from Blue Seal. I give them 1 cup of this mixture in the am and 3/4 cup at night.  Tomorrow Oliver has his first vet appointment. I'm going to wait until I get the other two ( Maxwell & Bella ) and then put them all together. I sure hope they all get along. Would love to see some pictures when you get a chance.  :0)

  • Hi!  Yes, we got the other two this past Saturday.  They have been crying for their mom...but other than that, they're good.  Eating hay, drinking water (thank goodness) and l/2 cup sweet grain a day...that's what he told me they were eating so I split it up and give them a bit in the am and a bit in the pm...so they won't go to bed with an empty tummy.  They are just now starting to get used to me coming in their pen.....the barn is almost done, so for now, they are in a 15'x6' dog pen.  We put a dog house and a vari kennel inside of it so they can snuggle and stay out of inclement weather...so far, it's been warm, no rain.  Barn will be all done this weekend! What kind of grain did you end up buying? Buckwheat doesn't really care too much for these guys, I personally think he's a little jealous......he's still my baby.  He is friendly enough with them, just not overjoyed like I thought he would be.   We really think that Buckwheat thinks he's a dog.  (Can't say I blame him, he has only known 4 dogs and a cat since he came here at 4 weeks old)  Keep me posted!
  • Hi Beverly, I was wondering if you got the other two yet ? I've been giving Oliver goat milk replacer also. He gets a bottle in the am and a bottle before bed. I give him warm water in the bottle when I get home from work. He's eating hay and a little grain. Today I saw him take a drink from his water bucket. Yippee.!

    Sound like to might have your hands full with Buckwheat.

  • He'll probably be close to 50 by a year and 75 by age 3, so he's got a lot of growing left to do!

    Beverly Almeida said:
    He's now 3 mos old and he's up to 25 lbs!!

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