

Well the time is quickly coming that I need to start tattooing the kids.  My question is there a certain sequence of numbers/letters that you have to use? Do you typically use the first two letters of your farm name or just a variety of numbers or letters? and How many? 4 total or 5 total? What is the best way.  Thanks for your help..

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  • Yes, thankfully there weren't too many, and AGS was so helpful in the process.

    PlayRite Farm said:

    Right,, i had to do this for an AGS buck once so i could resister

     the daughter 

    Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:

    THIS explains how you were able to register NDGA goats with AGS. If you bought NDGA goats that did not have all AGS-registered goats in their pedigree, you cannot register NDGA goats with AGS. Basically, you paid to register all of his ancestors with AGS starting with the ones that were not registered. But if his NDGA papers had not gone back to AGS goats, you could not have done that.

    Susan Landoll said:
    Both set of parents would have to be registered AGS.  I was able to get all my NDGA goats registered AGS, but had to pay for all the ones in their line that were not registered.

  • Yes this is correct. All of NDGA goats in any pedigree have to be able to be registered with AGS, therefore they ALL have to have AGS in their lineage somewhere, or they could not be registered with AGS. 

    Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:
    THIS explains how you were able to register NDGA goats with AGS. If you bought NDGA goats that did not have all AGS-registered goats in their pedigree, you cannot register NDGA goats with AGS. Basically, you paid to register all of his ancestors with AGS starting with the ones that were not registered. But if his NDGA papers had not gone back to AGS goats, you could not have done that.

    Susan Landoll said:
    Both set of parents would have to be registered AGS.  I was able to get all my NDGA goats registered AGS, but had to pay for all the ones in their line that were not registered.

  • THIS explains how you were able to register NDGA goats with AGS. If you bought NDGA goats that did not have all AGS-registered goats in their pedigree, you cannot register NDGA goats with AGS. Basically, you paid to register all of his ancestors with AGS starting with the ones that were not registered. But if his NDGA papers had not gone back to AGS goats, you could not have done that.

    Susan Landoll said:
    Both set of parents would have to be registered AGS.  I was able to get all my NDGA goats registered AGS, but had to pay for all the ones in their line that were not registered.

  • Both set of parents would have to be registered AGS.  I was able to get all my NDGA goats registered AGS, but had to pay for all the ones in their line that were not registered.

    Emmie S said:
    Maybe a little off topic- but what about if an AGS registered doe was bred to an NDGA buck?  Would you be able to register the kids AGS?
  • That is what I did, I went through AGS and they were so helpful.  I did have to pay for all the registrations back through my goats pedigree.  So now they are all registered NDGA and AGS.  If I wanted to I could now register them ADGA, but I have no need to at this time.  I found AGS to be so nice and helpful and affordable!  Again, I was told, some ADGA shows will all you to show your AGS registered goats. 

    Emmie S said:
    What if sire and dam of the NDGA buck have AGS papers?  I was planning on using a buck that has well known triple registered parents, but the lady who owns him doesn't breed pure Nigerians so she only has his NDGA papers and didn't care to get his other papers.  Maybe I should call AGS to be sure... I definitely don't want to end up breeding to him and then only have NDGA papers for the kids!
  • ADGA will accept AGS but not NDGA which is the Nigerian Dairy Goat Association.  But if you have goats that are registered NDGA then register them AGS, then ADGA will let you register them.

    PlayRite Farm said:
    OK Susan you confused me just a bit, i was told that neither registery will accept NDGA registered goat,, that must of changed.. if a goat is registered either AGS or ADGA the other will accept it.. NDGA is not considered a registry but rather a breeders club
  • That's a great plan!

    I've been trying to find the nicest polled buck I could, and so far he's the best.  I'm looking for polled because if there is any chance I don't have to disbud every single kid- great!!  I have 2 does with horns, so I'm planning on breeding them both so transferring him would be worth it to me.  His name is Olson Acres Magic Espresso, and his sire is Little Tots Estate Capachino and his dam is Flat Rocks Voodoo Princess.  I haven't seen him in person yet though... but I can't wait to see him! :)

  • What if sire and dam of the NDGA buck have AGS papers?  I was planning on using a buck that has well known triple registered parents, but the lady who owns him doesn't breed pure Nigerians so she only has his NDGA papers and didn't care to get his other papers.  Maybe I should call AGS to be sure... I definitely don't want to end up breeding to him and then only have NDGA papers for the kids!
  • Maybe a little off topic- but what about if an AGS registered doe was bred to an NDGA buck?  Would you be able to register the kids AGS?
  • AGS used to accept NDGA goats, but they closed the herd book a few years ago, and I have not heard that it was re-opened. I would not buy an NDGA goat today and assume it can be registered. I'd suggest calling AGS and asking about this before buying a NDGA goat.

    As for the show win forms -- we showed on AGS papers at ADGA shows quite a bit when NDs were first accepted into the registry. However, last year the ADGA board was considering making a new rule that said ADGA judges were not allowed to sign the show win forms any longer. If someone wanted a win to count for AGS, they had to get ADGA to submit a copy of the show report form. However, the wrinkle in this system is that the ADGA form does not have a space to report the height, and AGS requires the height be recorded on champions. In other words, the win wouldn't count for AGS. No, the two registries don't play well together. I'm on the board for the American Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Association, and we polled the members about their feelings. They were evenly split, so we didn't take a position on the change, and I don't remember how it turned out. However, the feeling was that even if the board rejected it at the last annual meeting, it was not an issue that would go away, so your days were numbered if you wanted to show AGS goats at ADGA shows.

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